Road Trip (2020)

Start bij het begin

"Anytime man, see you later." Isaac laughs.

We're almost to Debbie's house, she's been talking about the trip and some guy she's been talking to. I haven't really been paying attention though, my mind is just in another space. I haven't had a girl in my truck since June. Speaking of June, she's been hanging out with Jalen. I thought it was bad when she hung out with Maggie but Jalen is ten times worse. That night at the party just shows how hot headed he is, he came in trying to play the hero. In reality he's just a bully. June doesn't see that side of him though, but I have all my life.

"Henry... Earth to Henry?" Debbie says, giggling.

"Oh umm my bad! What were you saying?" I say zoning back in, even when she's not around June is still all I think about.

"I was saying that I was going to ask my mom about the trip, and she'll probably want to talk to your mom. So make sure your mom says the right things, cause my mom can kind of be overprotective..." Debbie repeats, I could tell that she was a little embarrassed about her mom.

I get home after dropping Debbie off, I go straight to my mom to make sure she knows what to say. "Mom." I called out, looking for her.

"In here sweetie." My mom calls out from her room.

I walk in and she's doing laundry, "Hey mom, I talked to Isaac and Debbie about that road trip I was telling you about...Their both asking their parents, Debbie wanted me to tell you that when you're talking to her mom to use the right words, she said she can be a little overprotective." I explained, sitting on her bed.

"I know, I'll talk to Camila. I'm sure I can get through to her."

"Wanna help me fold these clothes up lazy boy?" She asks, throwing a few clothes my way.

Of course I help her, there are two girls who have me under their control. My mom and June.

Four days pass and it's the day we leave for the trip, everyone's parents gave the okay. We're going to meet at the diner. I finish packing up my bag and load up my truck, "Alright mama, well Im headed out I guess." I say closing my tailgate.

She comes up and hugs me, "Ohh well alright, I'm going to miss you sweetie! Please be careful okay... And call me when you get there. Let me know if you need anything, anything at all!"

"Okay, mama! I love you and I'm going to miss you too. If you need anything or just wanna talk for a few minutes, call." I say hugging her tight, I know my mom is going to pretty much by herself until I'm gone. My dad is almost never home and when he is they don't talk much.

I pull into Debbie's driveway and honk my horn to let her know I'm here. Debbie and her mom come out with her bags, I get out of the truck to help.

"Listen Henry, I expect you to take good care of my Debbie, and make sure you call. Oh and-" Ms.Camila says, getting interrupted by Debbie.

"Mom, I've told him this already. We gotta go, we're meeting Isaac. I love you, bye." Debbie says, getting in the truck.

"I promise Ms.Camila I'll be very careful and call you." I reassure her, I climb into my truck and Debbie already seems to be very comfortable.

We get to the diner and Bailey is hugging Isaac, I park right next to them and just wait. It's like they're never going to see each other again, young love is so dramatic. Right when they kiss I honk my horn, "Get a room already!" I say letting the window down and laughing.

"Henry, please keep him out of trouble, and bring him back in one piece for me okay." Bailey says, she gives him one last hug and she leaves.

Isaac walks over to the passenger side door and opens it, "What do you think you're doing? Get in the back! Front seats are for the drivers only... Unless this is a road trip to hell." Isaac picks at Debbie, I can't help but laugh.

"Haha very funny, I can drive, I just chose not to." Debbie says while crawling into the back.

"Just keep telling yourself that Debs." Isaac laughs while throwing her pillow and blanket to her.

I can hear Debbie almost start to argue but I interrupt, "Is it going to be like this the whole ride? With you two bickering back and forth? Cause if so I might just let Debbie drive, put us all out of our misery!" I say, me and Isaac burst out into laughter.

"I'm taking a nap! I hope both of you choke!" Debbie says while smiling, me and Isaac are still laughing.

We're two hours into the car ride and Debbie is still asleep. Isaac and I have been talking about everything he can think of. I notice that his favorite topic is Bailey, I really hope they make it! They work so well together, it's beautiful.

"You And Bailey huh? You did good!" I say

"Yeah she's the best! What about you? How are you and little miss sunshine?" Issac asks.

"I told you man, she's with Jalen. Me and her haven't spoken in a while, we still text though."

"I'll always have room for June in my life, so I'm just waiting for her to come back." Isaac is one of my best friends. I always found it easy to talk to him about things.

"You can't wait on her forever though man... But you're doing good, getting out you know? This trip will be good for you."

"And Henry, do you think you have enough room for everybody?" Isaac says gesturing towards the back where Debbie is sleeping.

"I don't know man... I hope so. But if I had to pick, it would be June! It always will be June." I say, I know that's not right but I don't see myself giving her up willingly.

"That's how I feel about Bailey. One last thing and we don't speak about her anymore... Do you love June?" Isaac asks, I'm sure he already knows the answer.

"I'm not answering that okay! Next subject please Isaac, she's got a whole boyfriend. There's no need for me to let these emotions out if there's no one to receive them.." I say shifting in my seat, talking about her makes me tense.

Isaac turns the radio on and turns it up loud enough to tune out the awkwardness he's filled the truck with. The music must've woken Debbie, she eases up and I catch her looking at me through the rearview mirror. I stare back for a brief second, what if I let June go? Could I see myself with Debbie? No I don't think I can, I see Debbie strictly as a friend. I'm pretty sure Debbie has put me in the friend zone anyway, she was telling me all about her boyfriend and how they are getting serious.

I pulled into a gas station, which was an hour away from the hotel we were staying at. I get out to pump the gas and Isaac and Debbie go in to use the bathroom, after I pump the gas I decide that Isaac can drive the rest of the way. I get into the back of the truck and use Debbie's pillow to prop myself up with.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" Isaac asks.

"I'm resting, can you manage to get us there?" I ask, yawning.

"Oh and Debbie you might wanna call your mom..." I remind her, before she gets the chance to respond I fall asleep.

I wake up to the sound of them playfully bickering again. I checked the time and I only took a 30 minute nap, but that seems to be just what I needed. I sit up and lean forward between them, "What are you two talking about now?" I ask wiping the sleepy out of my eyes.

"Nothing really, Debbie just called me sassy. Henry, do you think I'm sassy?" Isaac asks.

"You're probably the sassiest boy I know, Isaac!" I say laughing.

"See I told you, It's not just me." Debbie says, putting her hands up and laughing.

"Whatever, Henry, you have your sassy moments. And Debbie I don't know about sassy but I'm sure you got something wrong with you." Isaac argues back, we all three laugh. We finally get to the hotel and we unpack the truck. We decided that me and Isaac would share a bed and Debbie could get her own.

"You guys wanna head down to the beach?" Isaac asks.

"Yeah, let the fun begin!" I reply.

Their Last SummerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu