but i thought you didnt like me (chloe kelly)

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I was getting ready to go out to a club with the england girls just for a little night out and to catch up with everyone.

I wore a tight black mini dress that complimented my curves and I had curled my hair and did natural makeup.

I didn't have a car so I need to get one of the england girls to take me as I hated the idea of getting a taxi alone.

I called Beth who was also driving Alessia and Ella to see if she could pick me up as well.


"Hey beffy." I spoke.

"Hi y/n is everything okay?" Beth questioned.

"Yeah but do you think you could take me to the club because I hate taking taxis alone?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah of course I'll be there in like 5, is that okay?"said Beth.

"Yes it is, thank you so much Beth you're a life saver." I said happily.

"No worries, see you soon." Beth said.

"Okay, bye." I said.

"Byeeeee." Beth said ending the call.


I heard a knock at my door, I opened it and I was met with Beth's smiling face.

"Y/n you look so pretty." Beth said admiring my dress.

"Thank you! Not so bad yourself." I said joking.

I walked into Beth's car and Alessia and Ella were already there sitting in the back so I sat in the front with Beth.

When I stepped into the car Alessia spoke.

"Trying to impress someone y/n?" Alessia questioned.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"You just look like you put a lot of effort into like your hair and outfit but your look stunning." Alessia said giving me a smile.

"Oh I just felt like doing my hair and stuff I guess but thank you!" I smiled back at her.

"So, y/n are you looking forward to seeing anyone or not looking forward to seeing any people?" Ella asked me.

"I'm excited to see Georgia as I haven't see her in ages but I'm not very excited to see Chloe Kelly just because she always likes to get on my nerves and in the Man City vs arsenal matches she's always trying to start fights against me and trying to injure me." I truthfully spoke.

"Yeah, Georgia misses you a lot and I'm sure everything will be fine with Chloe." Ella reassured me.

I just smiled at her.


You all stepped out of Beth's car and into the club while laughing with Alessia and Ella.

You walked over to where the England girls were sitting and you saw Georgia and ran over and hugged her.

"G I missed you so much." I said hugging Georgia.

"I missed you to sis." Georgia said.

G is like my un biological older sister I love her so much and I tell her everything.


When y/n walked in my eyes would not leave her like they felt attached to her she looked so beautiful and her dress omg it fitted her perfectly and showed off her hour glass shape. Shit I should not be thinking like this.

Y/n had gone over to the bar to get drinks for everyone and I watched her every move as she was waiting for the bartender to give her the drinks she had ordered a girl came up to y/n and started putting her hands on y/n I felt a wave of anger go through me. Y/n looked uncomfortable so I went over to her as I got nearer the girl started trying to pull y/n to her and y/n was telling her to stop but she wouldn't that when I knew I had to speak up.

"LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE." I said pulling the girls arms off y/n and pulling y/n into me she just cried into my chest not even looking up at me.

Before this moment I had tried to convince myself I hated her because I knew I loved her but I didn't want to I wanted to hate her but in this moment I knew I could never hate her because I loved her so much.


Someone had come behind me and said


I had no clue who said it or anything but before I could say anything the girl who was trying to touch me had let go of me and I was in the persons arms with my head buried in their chest and I couldn't help but cry into the person who had made them leave me alone.

"Luce could you take the drinks to the table please." The voice spoke.

"Yeah course, y/n are you okay." I heard Lucy ask me.

"mhm." Was all I could get out.

I decided to look up at the person it was Chloe.

"Chloe?" I questioned.

"Yeah I'm here you're okay." She spoke gently.

"But I thought you didn't like me, why did you help me?" I asked surprised.

"I don't hate you y/n, how about we go back to mine and we can talk about stuff okay?" She asked me in her soft voice again.

"Okay." I said.

We walked out to her car and Chloe kept her arm around my shoulders. She opened the passenger door for me and I sat down she closed the door and walked round to the drivers side. She started the car up and the whole drive back to hers was silent but not an awkward silence. Chloe had her hand on my thigh the whole drive not once moving it.

We arrived at her house and she walked around to my door to open it for me and we walked into her house. She walked into her bedroom with me following her. We both sat on her bed.

"So?" I questioned wanting to know why she had been acting like how she was towards me if she didn't hate me.

"Y/n I've never hated you, I've only even loved you and I started being mean to you to try and make myself  think that I didn't like you but I do love you and I always will love you and I regret ever being mean to you or hurting you in any way. I'm so sorry."

"I love you too Chloe." I said truthfully.

"Come here Chloe said." Gesturing for me to lay down with her.

I did as she asked and laid down next to her I put my head on her chest and cuddled into her as she wrapped her arms around me and we both fell asleep."

requested by: liverpoolno1fan

1135 words!

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