A new start pt 1

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Tw: abuse and scars

''Crusio.'' My mother yells at me. I feel the sharp pain entering my body.''Don't you disrespect me ever again.'' I can hear her say before I pass out. This has been the 3 time this last 2 days. I have never seen her so angry as when my brother left to go live with the Potters. He got on the train to Hogwards like normal but we didn't know he would never come back again. I wake up in the middel of the night on the kitchen floor. I remember passing out here but I didn't realise that I've been left here.

I'm glad I only got a few days left here. I can't wait to go back. Others want to go back to see their friends again. Not me. I want to go back to escape form the pain for a while. I walk back to my room. I sit down at my desk to write to keep my mind of of things. That normaly helps. But not today. I keep thinking about running away to. But where would I go. I don't have a safe space where I could go. It's only 2 more days to school starts again. Just 2 more days and this hell would be over.

The next 2 days I spend mostly in my room only comming out for dinner. I pack my bag happy knowing that I got to escape this hell tomorow. It's not even moring jet but I can't stand being in this house any longer. Since it's 4am I can't get breakfast jet. So I hang out in a park near the station. I get my notebook out and I'm instandly reminded of how strict my mom is. There is a letter of James in it. I was so scarefd of my mom finding out that I have kept it in this notebook and wasn't planing on reading it untill I was in the train back to school. I may be not in the train back to school but I am safe here.

As soon I was done reading I put it back in my bag. I stare into the beautiful park and drift away into my thoughts. What if I left and never come back? it's not like my parants would miss me. Where would I go? I don't have a safe space like my brother has. The sun slowly comes up that is the moment that I realise I have been sitting here for at least 3 hours. I get up to leave. I look in my bag and see that I didn't bring any money with me. Forget about breakfast I hope that I Can eat something in the train.

I make my way to the station. I need to find my brother so that I can eat something. It's normally not that hard to find him on the train. He is so loud that you can hear him form the other side of the train. That isn't the case this time so I have to go look for him. On my way I run into the last person I want to run into. It's James Potter. The friend of my bother that he now lives with. ''Hi, do you know where I can find my brother.'' He looks at me confused. ''Eh... well I don't think he wants more company.'' He points to the window of the room we're passing. I see my brother on the lap of some guy. Kissing him passionately. ''I think you're right.'' I say trying to get that image out of my head as fast as posible.

''What's wrong maybe I can help you?'' He offers. ''No its okay. I'll ask it later.'' ''Are you sure this can go on for a while.'' He asks leading me into another room. ''Well I left early and didn't have breakfast.'' ''Wait, I think I have something.'' He picks his bag up and starts searching for something. ''Here you go.'' He hands me a plastic bag with a few sandwiches and a bottle of pumking juice. ''Are you sure.'' ''yeah. I packed them for your brother but he incised on living on Sages and coffee.'' '''Well that does sound like Sirius.''

''So why did you leave early?'' ''I couldn't stand to stay there any longer than I needed to.'' I say taking a bite of a sandwich James gave me. ''How bad is it? Sirius doesn't talk about it much.'' I look down as soon as he asked that. Tears form in my eyes. ''Hey it's okay.'' He says. He gets up form his seat and comes to sit next to me. He puts his hand up and I flinch. He pulls his hand away when he realises. ''Do they beat you?'' He actually looks woried. He is the last person I trust to know what my parents do to me.

When I'm done eating I grab my bag so I can change clothes. I take my shirt off and turn around so I don't have to face James. When I have my blouse on I turn back to face James. I didn't expect James to look at me like that. ''What?'' I say. ''Your back it-its full of bruices and scars.'' I collaps to the floor crying when I hear those words. James flies to the floor to help me. ''Hey, hey it's okay. they can't hurt you anymore. you're safe.'' As those words didn't seem to calm me down. He lift my head and he planted a kiss on my lips.

I don't know what's happening to me. One moment I'm crying on the floor of the train, The next I'm kissing some friend of my brother that I met 30 minutes ago. ''I'm so sorry I didn't mean to kiss you.'' He pulled away. ''I'm so sorr-'' ''Just shut up already'' ''What do y-'' My lips meet his before he could finish his sentence. I move my tongue over our lips so he opens his mouth. I love the feeling of his tongue exploring my mouth. He pulles away. ''I didn't know you're gay.'' He says. ''Well I didn't either.'' I give him one last kiss as the train pulls into the station. He helps me out off the train and we walk back to the castle together. I held his hand the hole time like no one could see us. Like sirius wasn't walking behind us.

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