chapter 09 (Daddy is also going through a lot)

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Currently Hanbin and Hao are in the hospital.
Hao's eyes are swollen due to non stop crying.

They're going to abort the baby....


When Hanbin got to know about the existence of the baby he was more Happy than to being shocked.He loves kids.
He was in cloud nine.
Having a baby with the person he adore the most, for him it's the most precious gift ever.

But reality hit him when he realizes keeping the baby will be a risk for their careers .
He doesn't care about his career.
He can sacrifice anything for their unborn child. He will not think twice about this.

He aslo knows having child in this industry is not something like forbidden.
Although some fans become furious but at the end of the day, they'll support their favorites.
Hao being pregnant as male is not the problem.
Last year their senior Jaehyun and Taeyong from nct had twins . Taeyong was also one of them (5% population).
They took an hiatus and decided will back to the industry after the twins become 1/2, years old.

But they are rookies. They may be already quite popular because of the survival show. But ,
Admitting have a relationship with group mate and made him pregnant will  be a big shock for fans.


What about Hao's career?
He looked happy when saying about the baby.And Hanbin knows he will not think twice about sacrificing his career too.
But,deep in thoughts Hanbin knows how much Hao likes being an idol, being on the stage, having cheers on his name.

Hao may also will give up on career but will that make him happy?
He worked hard for becoming an idol. Left homeland for fullfil this dream.
All his afford, his desires will be destroyed easily.

He remembers once a fan asked Hao what he would like to be in the next life. Hao answered in his Evey life he wants to be an k-pop idol.

Hanbin knows even if they keep their baby, they've to take hiatus.
They are a temporary group for only 2.5 years. And Hanbin as a leader and Hao as an center hold an important role to the group. So, their hiatus will hamper the group.

What if their group ended up being disband. He can't destroy all the members careers. His careers doesn't matter to him but members careers does.

Last few days was a mess for Hanbin.

Last few days was a mess for Hanbin

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He blames himself for everything. He should have being careful. Beside he is the one who impregnated Hao.

Losing the baby, his and hao's baby, losing their little sunflower. He can't think right. What he should do ?.

Loosing his mind ,he calls his mom.
In the call he burst into tears.
He can't hold the tears.
Something is killing him.

Hanbin - mom, I messed up mom. I can't think anything mom. I'm a mess.

Hanbin's mom - listen son. Stop crying. Please don't break down. You're strong, right? Stop.....shhh.. (his mom knows him the best. She knows what he was talking about)

Hanbin - what should I do? I can't destroy everyone's dream.
And,I can't...... I....... I can't kill the innocent baby. Like mom how can I even have the thought of killing my own child. Our child,my and Hao's child.

Hanbin's mom - hey son. Listen no one is saying that you can't have the baby again no one is telling you give up on career. You have options that you only get choose one . But try to make a such an option that both your choice would be beneficed. And what have Haohao said?

Hanbin - Mom, actually.... I.... I've told him that....we , we would get rid of the..... baby.

Hanbin's mom - boy are you crazy? Like seriously. You know he's pregnant and this stage how can you say this kinds of stuff. I can't believe you Sung Hanbin. I know it's your choice. But have Haohao told you anything about not keeping the baby. HaoHao was so happy. Woahhh. I'm telling you boy, discuss the matter with him right now. He have the right to make a choice too. Don't make me say twice.

Hanbin - I'm sorry mom.... I'll discuss with him .

Hanbin's mom - Don't say sorry to me. Be gentle with him while talking. Okay I'm cutting the phone. Good luck son .(She says softly and cuts the phone)

Hanbin is now know what to do. He will discuss the matter with his partner.


It's shocked Hanbin.

The words was simple.

Hanbin enters the dorm and before he was about to start the conversation...

Hao says, with no emotions, "we're going to the hospital tomorrow"

Hanbin says,"okay I'll company you".
Hanbin thought 'Hao wants the baby.So yeah. We'll have the baby no matter what. And sure he needs check up in this state'

But what he hears after his words ,
he can't believes his ears. He wasn't expecting to hear that.

Hao says, "yeah you can. I'll need you when I'll left my baby forever in the hospital"


"Yes, since I'm aborting my child ..........."


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IT WAS THE BEST ACCIDENT Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora