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A/N: Disclaimer, All Pictures, Videos, and Gif does not belong to me. But to the original owners, I don't want to be banished to the underworld. So yeah, Enjoyed the story.


Location: Republic of Botswana, Gaborone.

3rd Person Pov

In the Country of Botswana, A Part Southern African that gain independent in 1966. The country developed has improved more since the country became the poor to rich. Though, BDF Or Botswana Defense Force was used defending theirself against the terrorist. However, There military isn't big or strong, Since the government doesn't want the military to be aggression. Even, The Military Equirment is really Updated or special used. So, Many of the equirment are pretty much use for defending itself, Even if Covid-19. The since cuts to mansion that looks european.

 The since cuts to mansion that looks european

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Though, It was belong to original owner. Until the owner pass away and give it to his grandson and the money too. Inside, The Door opens outside of the mansion and the small indivisble went inside. It was male with dark hair, skin and red eyes. Wearing his black T-Shirt and white pants. He wear his black shoes in the house. His named is Krace Tarus.

He was the owner of the house

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He was the owner of the house. After his Grandfather pass away, He gave Krace the money and his mansion. Meaning the house is his now. But, Krace decided not to spend it and save some money for his future. He did get a job and work hard without rest and despressed. It wasn't so hard, He came to work early and keep working until his paycheck came to him.

After his work is done, He went home. But now, The Boy sighs and put his paycheck at the living. He will need that later in the future. He went to his room and close it. He turn his computer, In the screen. He saw the World of Tanks Icon in the screen. He sighs and enter it.

It's been 4 Months since he's parents are killed and his siblings have pass away. Krace felt sadden that he was alone in this world. But, He decided to move on.

After 2 Hours of playing. He stopped playing and turn off the computer. He went to the living room and decided to watch tv. He watch some movies his tv, But the news came up in his screen. The News Tells that a sudden happening his country. There's been many reports of strange beasts and other creatures attacking the towns and villages. Krace was confused at this, So he turn off the tv and went to bed.

But unknown to the Young boy, Tomorrow will been the shocking event on his world.

To Be Continue


Next Chapter: Day Zero

A/N: The Goats are speaking to us. It is good for me :)

The Ultimate Steel Commander of the ApocalypseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora