The Tales Of Sky Pirites

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Captain Don Karnage: ♪ It's true, I live to plunder. ♪

Pirate Crew: ♪ High up in the sky amidst, a sea of storm and thunder. ♪

Captain Don Karnage: ♪ Now back to me, the main event. ♪ A pernicious, vicious, rakish gent. ♪ A frustratingly, charming blaggart. ♪

Pirate Crew: ♪ He'll steal all of your treasure and your heart. ♪

Captain Don Karnage and his crew were in the Sun-Chaser and steals Scrooge's treasure with a song and dance. Scrooge and the children were confused on what's happening right now one of the crew steals both Dewey's hat and Aiden's amulet and all the pirate left the plane and flew away.

Scrooge: What the blazes was that?

Aiden: I think we just got robbed by a band of singing and dancing pirates.

Launchpad: Bravo [clapping] Bravissimo.

Launchpad was next to Scrooge and the kids and they all shout "Launchpad!" For not flying the plane and as usual they flew down to a jungle and crashed into a giant tree and survived. They didn't get hurt or anything but the Sun-Chaser was damaged.

Scrooge: My Treasure.

Launchpad: My plane.

Dewey: My hat.

Webby: (gasp) The pirates also took Aiden's amulet too! Now he'll never be a sorcerer of Duckburg!

Aiden: It's okay Webby, let them keep it. Because I got a better one.

Aiden reveals his magical amulet to everyone and they were surprised that those pirates didn't actually take his amulet.

Scrooge: You clever boy. But how!

Aiden: When those were invading us, I switched out my real amulet so they can take the fake amulet the one I was wearing the whole time when that Don Karnage was singing.

Huey: So what they have is a fake amulet they stole?

Aiden: That's right! I swap amulets on those scurvy dogs.

Louie: That was pure genius little brother. The greatest scheme that you could ever pulled off.

Aiden: Gee, thanks. But I'm not your little brother Louie, I'm just younger.

Scrooge: Launchpad, see if you can get this plane out of this tree and follow those thieving pirates so I can get me treasure back.

Dewey: And my hat.

Launchpad: Right away Mr. McD!

When Launchpad was trying to get the plane in the air, the engines were tangled up with vines and Dewey thought of a better idea he decided to go after the pirates who stole his hat by himself.

Launchpad: We're not going anywhere.

Scrooge: Huey, you and Launchpad start in on those plane repairs. [turns to Louie, Aiden and Webby] The three of you can inventory our supplies. Who knows how long we'll be stuck in this jungle. And Dewey. Dewey?

Scrooge didn't realize that Dewey was gone to look for his hat, then Huey got sprayed by blue ink and mistaken as Dewey.

Scrooge: Dewey, you be lookout while I search for any treasure those kleptomaniacal corsairs may have missed.

Later on Dewey was walking on the jungle floor talking to himself about being killed by pirates and his family will pay attention to that story then he had second thoughts of rooting for that and suddenly he heard one of the singing pirates practicing his big entrance and until it was about to take off Dewey hitched a ride thinking it was a bad idea.

Ducktales Retold: The Life Of Aiden Fauntleroy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora