Chapter Four - Tenuous

Start from the beginning

"With Sirben, nothing can be sure."


Y/N sank down near the center of camp, sighing as she unbuckled the straps of her knapsack to free it from her wings. The queen had announced just minutes before that it was approaching time for them to rest, prompting them to make camp and set up watches for the 'night'.

They were still in the Wastes, though Alex had told her that they would soon reach the Warped Forest where she had encountered the zombie. They had covered a lot of ground today, Alex estimated that they would reach the spot before midday tomorrow. Y/N could feel flutters of nervousness at the thought of possibly encountering more zombies - or worse, Sirben himself - but at the same time, the thought of being able to finally take him down was almost exciting.

Y/N opened her knapsack for the first time, reaching inside and coming out first with a thin blanket. She folded it and set it aside for use as a pillow. How anyone could have use for a blanket in this heat was beyond her.

"Y/N." The queen's voice caught her attention, and she got up, stepping over to where wrapped potions of rations were being handed out. "Here you are," The queen handed her one of the small packages with a smile. "And here-" She offered her a second one. "Would you take this to Herobrine for me?" Y/N blinked, then turned, finding Herobrine where he sat by himself on the outskirts of their little camp.

"O-of course," She stuttered, a bit caught off guard. The queen gave her a sweet smile as Y/N took the second package and made her way across the camp towards Herobrine.

He didn't seem to notice her, absorbed in writing what appeared to be a letter, and Y/N slowed down as she neared him. She hadn't been prepared to talk to him just yet, but maybe this would make for a good opportunity.

"Herobrine," She spoke, making him lift his head as she stopped in front of him. "The queen asked me to bring you this." She held out the package, making a considerable effort to keep her voice steady. Herobrine held her gaze for only a moment before it dropped to the rations in her hand.

"Thank you," He said politely and took it. Y/N took a step back, hesitated, then sank down to sit cross-legged beside him.

"I've been wondering something," She stated as he visibly stiffened. "I'd like your opinion."

"Yes?" He didn't look at her, focusing on unwrapping his rations.

"This zombie that Alex encountered-" Y/N went on, "-do you think it slipped away from Sirben, or was this an attempt on his part to catch our attention?" Herobrine's face seemed to lose some of its forced neutrality, and he hummed thoughtfully.

"From what we've seen, Sirben is not... careless." He began. "It seems unlikely that he would lose an entire one of his puppets."

"You're right." Y/N agreed. His plan to get rid of her had been very tidy, the only reason it had failed being that he had not factored in Herobrine's existence. "So, it seems more reasonable to assume that he's luring us in on purpose."

"It's quite possible." Herobrine said with a nod. "Either that, or he's slipping... which is also possible, given that he's lost his home and his followers and been forced into hiding."

"Either way, we should be prepared for the worst." Y/N said as she pulled a piece of pork jerky from her bundle. Herobrine hummed, his gaze drifting across the camp to where the others sat.

"I wish the queen had not insisted on coming." He said quietly. "If there is trouble, at least one of us will have to escort her back to safety."

"Indeed." Y/N murmured. "But she does not seem to be the kind of woman who will take 'no' for an answer."

"She is not." Herobrine agreed. Y/N rested her chin in her palm as she studied his face. There were scars on his cheeks and across the bridge of his nose, a notch in one pointed ear. When had he sustained these wounds? After his reign? During? She was struck by the intense urge to reach out and trace her finger across his cheek.

Shaking it off, she dropped her gaze to his sheet of paper. "Who are you writing?" She asked. Herobrine followed her gaze.

"My brother, Lord Lancaster."

"Oh." Bitterness and jealousy welled up inside of her - so he got a letter, but Y/N got nothing?? - but she banished it before it could spill over. Lord Lancaster was his blood relation, of course he took precedence over her.

"Speaking of which, I should finish it." Herobrine shifted, meeting her eyes passively. "Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight." Taking her food, Y/N stood and made her way back across camp towards the others. It had been a dismissal, yes, but a gentle one. He had spoken to her for more than a moment, and looked her in the eye.

It was progress, she told herself as she sank down to sit next to Meryl. All she could hope for was progress.

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