Chapter 16 : Official ?

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Daisy's POV

Throwing up a white cover up on my self, I came out of the tent and was immediately blinded by the bright sunshine glarring in my eyes from canopies of trees. I looked around and found no one around but only Kai, who was looking at me from the open kitchen. A huge grin made it's way to my face as I saw him toasting a bread so being the nosy person I am, I approached him.

"Make me one too !!" The wooden floor beneath me screeched as I entered the kitchen and made myself comfortable on the countertop, dangling my feet in the air.

"Anything else, madam ?" He spoke flipping the toast. "Hmmm" I bought my hands under my chin as if was I thinking, "Nope, just make sure you don't posion it" seriousness laced my voice when I said that.

"Where are everyone else ?" I aksed not finding anyone around. Ariel was in the room taking a shower but no one else was there. "They went to change." He replied putting another bread on the pan, buttering it. I hummed.

I ogled him while he was deeply engrossed in making the toast. He looked so cute when he was carefully and precisely he trying to get everything perfect. My eyes went down towards the shirt he wore which was open, giving a peak to his tonned abs. Looks like someone has been working out !!

My trance was broken by his chuckling, making me widen my eyes. He caught me !! "Well, I can't deny that they've been getting some attention lately," he spoke with a playful wink and passed me the plate of perfectly golden-brown toast. He rested his palms on the counter leaning a little forward. Damn, that is hot !! And now I sound like a freaking pervet ?!

"Do you realise how red are your cheeks right now, sweetheart ?" He whispered leaning more closer. "No, they are not !!" I exclaimed, patting my face lightly. He chuckled and booped my nose- a teasing smile played on his lips as he did so -making me sneeze.

I flinched when out of nowhere I heard a snap of a camera and then sudden yelling of matt, loud and more clear than ever, "Guys !! Come fast !! I spotted some beautiful love birds and captured it in camera for you to see !!" I turned towards Kai who sighed, closed his eyes and whispered curses under his breath.

I jumped down the kitchen counter and stood, folding arms across my chest looking at the scene in front of me. Everone came out of their tents, running. Aaron even stumbled while doing so but ran towards Matt, who showed everyone the pics he clicked. There were whistles and over-exicted cheers of the guys and cooing of the girls after seeing the pictures.

"So, it's official !!" Liam threw his hands up in the air punching. They all hugged each other as if how the realtives of two families do in the weddings. They are so fucking dramatic !! Stella and Lucas were standing there akwardly, not knowing what to do.

"Daisy !! Why didn't you tell me ?! Anyways it's fine though. I forgive you. It was obvious, you guys were clearly acting suspicious. We could feel the chemistry, physics, biology or whatever." Ariel joined her hands under her chin and started blabbering hastily.

"Yeah, Daisy !! Why didn't you tell her ?" Kai asked innocently and pulled me towards him, closing the distance between us and tugging his arm around my shoulder, making a couple of gasps errupt from the crowd. Ariel almost fainted while clutching her heart.

What are you talking about ?!" I mummered frowning and he just smirked in response. "Our ship is sailing !! We won the bet !!" Ariel jumped, unable to contain her excitement.

"You guys freaking made bets on us ?!" I yelled, blinking my eyes multiple times not being able to believe it. Everyone nodded their head simultaneously sharing the same positive aggression. Are they going nuts ?!

Kai clicked his tongue, "So who won ?" He asked, casually eyeing everyone. And was he being serious right now ? When I turned my head towards him, he winked at me as we made eye contact. He was having the time of his life.

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