The Battle Of Christophsis

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TC-70: Jabba requests that anyone who can help us find his kidnapped son send any information they have immediately. 

Palpatine: We must help jabba. This is the opportunity we've been looking for. The jedi must rescue Jabba's son. 

Mace: I don't like it, dealing with that criminal scum. This is a dark day for the republic. 

Palpatine: I agree, my friend, but what choice do we have? The Hutts control the outer rim, and we'll need their space lanes in order to move our troops. 

Mace: There is more to this kidnapping than it seems. 

Palpatine: Then you must send as many jedi as you can.

Mace: Impossible, chancellor. The droid General Grievous has our forces spread thin. The only Jedi we can spare are Skywalker and Kenobi and their friend "The Cyber Samurai." Who, we need to meet afterwards. They just captured the planet Christophsis. 

Palpatine: Then Contact them immediately. 

In another part of space republic cruisers are at a medical station as ships dock in as in a Cruiser control center admiral Yularen is talking with a officer as he walks away and Yularen continues walking until he is in front of a hologram table as a short figure with a cane named Yoda is With Mace Window as Mace speaks.

Mace: We need to make contact with General Kenobi. 

Admiral Yularen: We've been unable to reach him. It could be a solar storm, or they're rebooting their communication system. I'm sure the blackout is temporary. 

Yoda: A messenger, we are sending, with important orders for General Kenobi. 

Mace: See to it that she gets there as fast as possible. 

Admiral Yularen: Yes sir. As soon as we load relief supplies. 

Yoda: No time, there is. Immediately, the messenger must go. 

Admiral Yularen: I understand sir. I will personality take an unloaded ship to drop her off,  then return to pick up reinforcements. 


Currently on Christophsis Clone Troopers who are using debris as are blasting at droids as R2-D2 rolls away as Anakin runs up and and see Super Battle Droids and Octuptarra Tri-droid as he looks behind him and yells.

Currently on Christophsis Clone Troopers who are using debris as are blasting at droids as R2-D2 rolls away as Anakin runs up and and see Super Battle Droids and Octuptarra Tri-droid as he looks behind him and yells

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