"Seriously? damn! do whatever you want. just you need to minimize the flirting because it feels like she gonna kill debby because she so freaking jealous" mila said y/n chuckle

"How about?? A no?" y/n with a smirk on her face we look at her disbelief

"y/n!!" mila and i yelled

Your POV

"Im kidding girls, Geez!! but all i want to her to do is talk to debby and said that she love me and im only for her not to debby and that it is the only reason doing this and i can go back to her. that is only i need. and i know you not gonna tell her about this talk. but you can tell the other girls but not to lolo" i said and they give me big smile and nodded eagerly

"You know even your thinking a little bit crazy we love you" cami said i nodded and i gave them a sweet smile

"Let's go out of this room. maybe they thought walz and i just killed you" we laugh and when we got out of my room everyone is looking at us confused maybe because Dj and mila was about to kill me when we get inside. and now we are laughing

"We know, We know, We know" dj sing

"We are Brave Honest Beautiful" Mila sing

"And thats Why" i sing (In tone of leave my heart out of this) "Stop Staring!" i yelled and me, dj and camzi chuckle when i saw them jump and they give us a Playful Glared

"Guys where is debz?" i ask no one

"She is on the kitchen" ally said i saw lauren she frown jealousy flash on her eyes. SCORE!!

"Thanks allycat" i smile when i about to go to the kitchen debby is going in the living room she notice me she give me a goffy smile i walk to her

"What?" i ask confused she just shake her head and she walk to me i wrap my arm around her waist and she wrap her to my neck

"Remember not to much" camzi whisper to us

"It's working" dj whisper than walk away i quick look to lauren and yup its working. i look to debby again she give me confused look

"I told them" and she just nodded

"can we watch movie?"debs ask sweetly i just stare at her

"Hmm? i don't know it depends what movie?"

"can we watch insidious 3?" she give me a puppy dog eyes which i never said no to her she so fucking adorable but the most adorable i saw a puppy dog eyes is of course its my love its lauren .. God! i love her eyes even more when she do that. my thought was interupted when debby is clicking her finger in my face

"W-what? .... oh s-sorry.. of course we can, hailey set the movie and i get some popcorn and dj order some pizza ally,lauren, mani and sam get sam blankets and pillow you girls gonna sleep over here and camzi help debby some of our drinks" i comand them they all nodded "oh! someone call jazz ask her if she wanna join us" i tell them btw! jazz know about lauren and i because she saw me crying and i can't lie to her or hide something so i told her

(while watching insidious 3)

Before we watch debby and camz called me in to the kitchen and when we get there camz give us a little plan to make lauren really mad because of jealous and of course me being want to know if she really love me i agree and even debby because she want me to see me happy again.

While watching me and debby are cuddling i feel someone is staring at me i look around see lauren staring more on glaring. because debby head is on my crock of my neck and i turn my attention to the tv. and i feel debby kissing my neck i moan a little bit loud i quickly look around i saw camzi and dj smirking while looking lauren? i look lauren her green eyed was now a little bit dark because of jealousy and angry i guess she heard me.

"Debz i think its working" i whisper to her making her look at me and smile i smiled back

"to be honest I actually scared of lauren but i know you,dj and mila gonna keep me safe. and btw! you need to be ready because tonight you and your girl gonna be back together" she whisper i smile at her

"thank you and of course" i look at the two and they look at me after they looked at lauren and they wink at me i just chuckle and lauren turn her head to the two and look at them confused but still notice the jealousy of her face and the look lauren and they just give lauren a innocent smile. and they return their attention to the tv. i moan again this time a really loud because i caught off guard and everyone attention is on debby and i everyone look shock/anger except to camila,dj and jazz. i look around i saw lauren i stand up going in our way her hand clench she look Really Really Pissed!



Sorry guys for delay update im a little bit busy and btw sorry for wrong grammar and spelling.

The  New Neighbors lauren/YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang