Who goes there? (Intro)

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*Arena Breakout Belongs to Morefun and Tencent. I don't own Arena Breakout. The story of this is the only thing i own.*

(The Port. Kamonan Post Office Building)
(28 Minutes left in Extraction timer)

A heavily armed squadron of Blackgold PMC's moved in the office building with precision and efficiency. Sweeping the building and keeping their voices in a hushed tone, their Rifles up and ready to shoot down any militants or opposing White Wolf squadrons. The four man Squad moves into a dimly lit hallway, moving slowly and methodically as they check every door and room that surrounds the sides of the hallway.

The men wore black and grey tactical combat suits, Their armour consists of black H-TAC A9 Armoured chest rigs and their helmets are KSS tac helmets. Their weapons are primarily M4's, except one for the scout who uses an MP5.

At the end of the hallway they see a metal door, as they near it, one of them approaches the door and unlocks it with a yellowish coloured key. As the door opens, the squad enters the room with their rifles armed and ready. They check once, no enemies.

They look around the room and notice crates, drawers, and a safe. They all spread out and begin collecting the valuables stored in each. Not every crack or cranny was left unchecked on their search for any valuables. As one of the operators check for valuables in the Safe, he finds a Gold plated document, containing the secrets and corruption within the Kamonan Government that led to the current civil war.

The operator looks at his squad leader and notifies him "Found what we need boss."

The squad leader nods at him with satisfaction knowing that they didn't get into any firefights entering the raid and got what they needed.

"Good, Kilo, that's one less objective to write off. Blackgold will pay us good." He says, as he stops searching through the drawers and stands up.

Kilo, the operator who found the secret document, puts the document inside his backpack.

The squad leader nods in acknowledgement again.

He looks around "Alright let's head to the extraction point. We have a civilian in a truck waiting for us there. a red smoke from a smoke grenade will be the identifier for our extract. We have 7 minutes left until the truck leaves."

With that, the Squadron quickly packs up their loot and begin exiting the compound. Checking their 6 and corners, as anything could come out at any moment and kill them easily.

They move through the hallway they came back from once again. They take a left  turn as they near a junction, leading to a backdoor within the compound.

As they near an open door that leads outside, the scout stops and peeks his head through the door.

"Three Militants. One with an SMG and the two others with Shotguns." The scout says to the rest. He checks the Mag of his MP5 ensuring there is a sufficient amount of rounds in it.

The squad leader and the scout form up on the door. One crouching and the other standing. They open the door slightly, enough so that the barrels of their Rifles can stick out of the door.

As the three militants cross their line of sights. Both the scout and Squad leader open fire a 6 round burst. Two of the militants drop dead with 2 rounds right into their head, and four rounds to other parts of the body. The last militant was immediately gunned down following hi comrades.

"Alright men, let's move out." The squad leader says as he exits the building, sweeping the open area infront of him with his rifle, followed by the scout and the rest.

The squad leader kneels down near a barricade, and inspect his STANAG Mag "Alright, the extraction point will be a kilometer out into the highway going towards northridge. Near the cafeteria in Port. We better go now or the motherfucker will leave."
He stands up and motions the squad to move.

Towards the direction of the cafeteria.

ARENA BREAKOUT: FOCAL POINTWhere stories live. Discover now