|| book one of one ||
"i love you and i'm not gonna let him hurt you again!"
brooklynn was a kook who was in a very toxic relationship with none other than rafe cameron. she was completely brainwashed by the boy until a certain pogue came into the p...
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Per John B's request, Brooklynn made her way to the Wreck. She seemed to be the last person to arrive. Kiara, Sarah, Pope and John B were already sitting together at a booth. She frowned upon seeing JJ's absence.
"Hey, guys," Brooklynn greeted cheerfully, hoping there was some news about JJ.
"Hey, Brook," Pope smiled.
Brooklynn sent Pope a smile back and sat down next to him.
"You heard anything from JJ, Brookie?" John B asked.
"Nope. I was hoping you'd know something," Brooklynn sighed, "I'm really worried about him."
"I'm sure he'll come around. He's doing a 'JJ thing'," John B said, trying to comfort his friends.
Brooklynn moved her hand into her lap and started to play with the bracelets on her wrist. Pope took Brooklynn's hand into his own, noticing her bracelet fidgeting. Sarah sent Brooklynn a knowing look and raised her eyebrows in suggestion, to which Brooklynn shook her head in response mouthing 'never'.
"Do you think he'll go home?" Kiara asked, bringing worry to the group.
"I really hope not," Brooklynn said.
"There's about a zero percent chance that JJ goes home," Pope reassured.
"Pope's right," John B nodded.
"You guys should stop worrying. I'm sure he's fine," Sarah stated.
Kiara and Brooklynn nodded, both changing their gazes to stare out the window.
"Okay, guys. Clearly, it's too dangerous to pawn this thing off piecemeal. Our best bet is to go down there and get the rest of it. Then we can bring it all up at once. We can put it in a safe or something until we can find someone who won't rip us off," Pope suggested, shifting the attention from JJ to the gold.
John B nodded in response, his eyes stuck on Sarah. Brooklynn didn't think he was paying attention to what Pope had to say at all.
"I can figure it out tonight. Then we can be out there as early as tomorrow morning," Pope finalized, earning another nod from John B.
"Okay. I'll come with you," Kiara said, standing to her feet.
"Wait," Sarah groaned, turning to John B, "What about that thing you have with my Dad?"
"Shit," John B muttered.
"What thing?" Pope asked.
"I have to go fishing with Ward," John B spoke.
Kiara scoffed, "You can't get 400 mil because you're gonna go kill fish?"
"Just blow it off!" Pope ordered, "It's 400 million in gold."