going home part 2

Start from the beginning

Misty : huh

Ash : mom we are not Married yet

I said putting pressure on married

Delia : huh but you soon will be right

Delia : oh I have some work ash go and give a house tour to Misty

Ash : ok

I got up and misty too

Ash:  I am sorry my mom just gets to excited sometimes

Misty : it's ok she is just like my mom . She would also keep nagging at me and gets to excited for my future without even asking but later she would say sorry about not asking my opinion

Ash : I have met your mom before she had always told me about that their youngest daughter is really cute . I didn't knew that was you

Misty : your mom also said that but I also didn't knew that was you .

Ash:  here this a swimming pool . Here is a swing too

Misty : oh thats great

Ash : aren't your family rich too

Misty : yup we are

Ash : so why were you shocked after you saw my home

Misty : huh it's just that we aren't that rich as you are

Ash : oh

After I gave her a home tour we both and my mom ate some food and then had tour of city.  Now we are sitting on sofa chut chatting

Misty : Mrs ketchum when is Mr ketchum coming

Delia : I don't know what is the time right now

Ash : 7 pm

Delia : oh he will come at 9 or 10 pm

Misty :oh ok

I looked at misty and then at mom she was watching television.  Misty's eyes were also glued on screen . Then I had urge to kiss her cheeks I bend down a little and kissed her cheeks . She looked at me shocked and I just ignore

Delia :  ok children's I am going to kitchen to tell the chef to make dinner

Misty : Mrs ketchum can I come with you too

Delia : ofcourse baby

I chuckled as she hurriedly ran to mom . Is she afraid . Hahaha

After quite a while I was bored scrolling social media . I saw the time it was already 9 pm . Suddenly I heard a door bell . It must be dad I got up and opened the door and a figure as tall as me was standing with same raven hairs and light blue eyes with the same skin tone as me . He is my dad but he looks way too handsome for his age just like my mom

Andrew ketchum : hey ash you came back

Ash : hi dad yup my holidays had started

My dad came inside

Andrew : so who is your girlfriend

Ash : you know about that too.

Andrew:tell me who that girl is and how she made a contract with you

I was not surprised at all he knows everything about me

Ash : don't tell about that to mom

Andrew : what would I get from that huh

Ash : I will do anything you want

Andrew : anything

Ash : no I have some terms and conditions too

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