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Sumbul and Fahmaan  now lived in the same flat in Mumbai.

Both of them became friends since 11th standard and since then both used to spend time together, their friendship was very deep. Sumbul had no patents. But his parents had a lot of property so she did not face any problem. She had an uncle who raised her. Sumbul was 7 years old when her parents left her.

Sumbul was very smart and she also obeyed what her uncle said. And uncle also did not stop her from doing anything or any work.

She passed matriculation very well and passed 11th standard, then she became friends with Fahmaan, he was Amirzada.Fahmaan used to flirt with every girl and change the girl every week. But Sumbul was the only girl with whom he never left.He had developed a special relationship with Sumbul, he used to go to Sumbul's house and Sumbul also used to go to his house.

Sumbul's uncle did not like Fahmaan because he was a spoiled boy. But when Sumbul was happy with him, he remained silent. Uncle was afraid that both of them were young and of new age and might commit some mistake.

But Sumbul told him that she understands right from wrong and she will not commit any mistake.

Both of them used to have fights but still Fahmaan did not remain angry with Sumbul for long and he himself made up his mind by apologizing. Their friendship grew deeper day by day, so much so that Sumbul used to spend nights at Fahmaan's house.

Both knew everything about each other. Everyone thought that both of them were in love but they were just friends. Sumbul did not like Fahmaan's idea of ​​keeping an eye on every girl and changing the girl every week.She knew that Fahmaan was a boy of wrong company but still she was maintaining her friendship and Fahmaan's intentions were also clear to her. Sumbul did not care about any of Fahmaan's actions whether he was with any girl because she knew that Fahmaan does not touch any girl.

Fahmaan used to seduce every girl but he never seduced any girl himself. He was enjoying his youth. He also wanted the mistress of his life for whom he had thought a lot.

He was a very hot handsome guy and he wanted a girl who was of his competition.The one who is fair, hot and saxy, whose figure is such that you get in a mood just by looking at her.

And such a girl could not have met him yet because he was still a teenager. But it made a lot of difference when Sumbul used to talk to any boy, don't know why but he started getting angry and restless.

And just like that, thier 12th standard was completed and they went to Mumbai to study further in college. After going there, both of them took the same flat and lived together.It was okay till school, no boy talked to Sumbul because they all knew Fahmaan and they thought that both of them were committed.

Sumbul's skin was brown but her figure was as mast as it was. In the language of Mumbai, she was a mast maal.. She is so hot and saxy if someone looking at her  he loses his control or can't even handle her.

Because now Sumbul was no more child. Now she had completely become a woman. Seeing which every boy gets attracted. Forget about anyone else. Even Fahmaan  could not escape the wrath of Sumbul.


Both of them had made many friends in Mumbai and they used to party every week. They had formed a gang in which most of them were boys and only two were girls.The rest of the boys were also like Fahmaan, they used to meet new girls every day and also used to drink but they also used to live within limits only for the girls of their gang.Sumbul did not like any of Fahmaan's work but Sumbul loved the way Fahmaan took care of Sumbul.

One day there was a Saturday party in the club.Actually, Fahmaan had never touched Sumbul in a wrong way or looked at her in a bad sight. But yes, since Sumbul had become a completely hot and sexy girl, with good-looking figure Fahmaan's inner lust had awakened for her. He used to seduce every girl, but his mind was in Sumbul, he used to dream of being in bed with Sumbul.He did not love her but he had sexual feelings for Sumbul.

Now that both of them lived together, it was obvious that they might have sexual feelings for each other.

Sumbul was getting ready for the party in her room. She was wearing a very short dress today and the neck of the dress was also very deep.More than half of her breasts were visible but it doesn't matter because that's the fashion now. She had curled her hair and applied dark colored lipstick.And high arched eyeliner was applied. There was no need to do much makeup because her dress itself made her look bold.

She gets ready and comes to the hall with her hill in her hand. The food was ready. And he kept looking at her, there was a strange attraction in his eyes.

Sumbul wears heels while sitting on the couch.

Kush jyada short nhi hai dress. Or deep bhi hai.          ..... Fahmaan said looking at his phone.

Oh.. How can a boy who wants to see every girl like this talk decently today?    ....... Sumbul said teasingly to him.

What do you mean that I am not a decent boy?I'm just crazy about girls' bodies?  Don't forget that I am also a human being and I can love a girl not only for her body but also for her soul.     .... Fahmaan said a little angrily.

Yes yes, I know you also want to find the girl of your dreams. But isn't it your intention that you get the girl of your dreams?      .....Sumbul said smilingly and making fun of him.

Fahmaan angrily grabs Sumbul and hits her against the wall.

What did you say, my intentions are not good.     .........Fahmaan says in her ears.

Sumbul was no less, she also pushed him and while moving back from him said that you also know how good your intentions are.

Who wants to bed every girl and steal her virginity. He dreams of a virgin girl for himself        ......Sumbul said.

This was not the first time that both were fighting like this. They were in their third year of college and both had been fighting like this for the last two years.

But you know very well that I myself am still a virgin.       .. Fahmaan said making an innocent face.

Before Sumbul can speak, his gang's call comes and both of them leave for the party.

So guys, this is the first part of my story, I hope you will like it.

A PASSIONATE DARK STORY Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant