Chapter 15 : Never have I ever

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Kai's concern for his sister was settled down a bit although the anxiousness still hadn't worn off of him. His mother reached out to him and assured him that Aria was safe and sound wherever she was while adding that she was sorry for not being able to do anything about the situation. He found it  funny to hear his mother casually saying 'sorry' on such a matter. 'What a mess in the name of the family he had' he sighed, thinking.

As the sun began to set over the shimmering waves, the group gathered aorund crackling bonfire to play 'Never have I ever' to get to know each other better as Liam had phrased it. The group collectively decided to play the game ignoring the curses and groans of Damien who showed not even a hint of excitement for it.

Everyone notted down the questions they were curious to know the answer of, in chits and mixed it up in one bowl so their identity remains unknown.

"So let's start, shall we ?" Sebestian rubbed his hands together and dipped it inside the bowl, grabbing a chit.

"Oh this is an easy one, never have I ever not showered for a week" He asked looking around as to who takes the first sip, but no one did until matt embrassedly drank a sip from his can. The group errupted in laughter as they knew he could only really do this.

"I knew it !!! You stink bro !!" Liam widened his eyes scooting away from matt while scrunching his nose. "Shut up. It was because I was in the hospital, alright. Move on the next question seb !!" He waved his hands towards sebastian.

Sebastian continued, "okay level up !! Never have I ever french kissed someone on a dare" he asked.

"Ofcourse we did kisses on dares in highschools but it was just a peck not a french kiss !!" Luna said horrified of the idea of giving someone a french kiss, on a dare.

Everyone agreed with her and were moving on to the next question when Damien took a sip gaining everyone's stocked reactions.

"What ?! I have had a history." he shrugged casually replying, while grabbing the bowl from sebastian's frozen hand and opened a chit, "we all know who wrote this one" he rolled his eyes, "Never have I ever thought of dating my friends sister" he spoke, looking at Liam who looked at Aaron, who was already piercing holes through his body.

"Aaron ? Do you consider me a friend ?" Liam asked him sweetly while Aaron just ignored his question and mouthed Ariel 'don't' who just laughed in response. "I guess that means a yes" Liam said and winked at Ariel, taking a sip. Ariel fell out from her chair, cackling out even more.

"Give me the bowl dammit !!" Aaron snatched the bowl from damien's hand. "Never have I ever got rejected from someone whom I confessed to" He spoke the question out loud.

Stella gave quick glance to kai and took a sip. She looked at daisy who was hesitating so she nudged her arm smiling, "Daisy, aren't you gonna drink ?" She asked. Others got confused when she asked daisy that question as only two of them knew what was it about. Lucas and Ariel.

Diasy nods her head embrassingly and drank from her can holding it tightly, as she was feeling a specific person's eyes on her.  "A bitch, isn't she ?" Ariel whispered in daisy's ear, gritting her teeth at stella who smiled nervously at her.

Sensing the tension in the air, Ariel signaled Aaron to move on to another question, who quickly jumped on to action. He cleared his throat grabbing everyone's attention.

"Never have I ever had a crush on someone in this group" he finished, and sulked at the question, as he knew that Liam and Ariel will drink, but what he didn't know was that there were four who were gonna do it.

Stella was the first one to take a sip and as she did so, she looked at Kai again, who completely ignored her. Daisy noticed this and thought stella might have crush on Kai but then she wondered why did he ignore her when he knew that she was drinking it for him.

She was kind of hoping one more person to take a sip but it wasn't lucas. Daisy frowned when he went for it too. 'Whom did he have a crush on ?' A question ran through her mind. Wavering unnecessary thoughts from her mind, she mustered up courage to look at the person she had hopes on. Kai.

He looked at her at the same moment, picked up the can drank and from it, not breaking eye contact with her. She debated with herself for a second and went for it, thinking it was a now or never situation and gulped down the fizzy drink, scrunching the can. She felt hot and conscious as the kai still had his intense gaze on her.

Their actions earned them bunch of gasps from everyone. "Damn !!" Sebstian exclaimed, "I fucking had no idea so much was happening around here" he spoke as matt shared the same reaction with him, "yeah, do we live under a fucking rock bro ?" He asked. "Kai ? I thought you were my brother ?" Liam said emotionally, wiping his fake tears.

"Anyways but it's never too late to spill the tea. So tell me, kai ? Who's my potential sister-in-law from here ? Stella or daisy ?" As soon as the question came out Liam's mouth stella widened her eyes and blushed while daisy choked on her own saliva. He was painfully straightforward in asking questions. Kai glarred at him, he instantly became intimidated and sat back down like an obedient child.

"It's pretty late now. I am going to the tent. Good night guys." Damien said lazily and got up to leave and Daisy made a mental note in her mind to thank him later. "Yeah it's kinda late. Let's get going now." Matt yawned standing up and soon everyone shuffled towards the tent.

When everyone already went inside their tent Daisy was making her way inside too, when Kai grabbed her wrist. She turned to face him and smiled. They weren't able to see their faces clearly but only the silhouette. "Feeling sleepy ?" Kai whispered to her, she hummed nodding.

He reached for her palm from the wrist and bought his lips to the back of her hand, gently kissing her making her giggle. "Then good night, madam. We will talk tommorow," he spoke as Daisy's laughter filled the air, Kai couldn't help but be mesmerized by her. Her laughter was like music to his ears, a melodic symphony that captivated their heart.

"Good night. Don't dream too much about me !!" Daisy went along with kai's flirting causing him to chuckle.

Going inside the cozy tents, Kai and Daisy lay in their beds, ready to drift off to dreamland. The tent was filled with soft moonlight from the small window, casting a gentle glow on their faces. As they closed their eyes, their thoughts turned to each other and slowly fell into deep slumber.

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