At the edge of sleep, Roger pondered Claire's whispered promise and whether it was an outcome he wanted.

He thought of his in-laws and the hurdles they represented. Would he ever be worthy of Claire in their eyes? The unsaid hint of a talk came to mind.

What about what he wanted? Would he ever become a doctor? Again, his dreams seemed to be spiraling out of reach.

Their unknown enemies would be back, and he was clearly the only effective countermeasure. Going back to school seemed untenable. He sighed and cursed the moon. Why was it always so fleeting?

That damned old man and his schemes! In the recesses of his mind, Ixchel laughed.

Claire yawned, did a feline stretch, and turned to the left, looking for her husband

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Claire yawned, did a feline stretch, and turned to the left, looking for her husband.

A ray of sunshine sneakily meandered through a sliver between the curtains, ending its journey on Claire's face.

A symphony of ocean waves played in the distance. The silk sheet seemed to wrap itself tighter like a lover impeding her escape. On the edge of consciousness, she yearned.

Images of him flashed in her head as she reached, eyes closed, across the bed in a searching pattern only to find emptiness.

Her husband. Warmth engulfed her.

"Mmmm," the involuntary sound escaped her. She grinned, her eyes still closed. Memories of his naked torso while exercising flashed, and she squirmed. Slowly, a thought formed. It begrudgingly came to the surface. She resisted, but it was as inevitable as a rising tide. You've fallen for him.

The warmth was too alluring, and she surrendered. It had been years since she felt this way for someone.

She reveled in the feeling. A subtle tremble traveled through her body. The subconscious decision her body had made came to the surface. Her breath caught.

He must be exercising, she dreamily thought.

"Roge! Are you here?" She asked halfheartedly, fighting the cobwebs of sleep.

Her personal version of Adonis walked out of the bathroom dressed for a run.

"Going for a quick run. How'd you sleep?" He said as he neared the door.

"Hey! Come here, please!" You're not leaving just like that, handsome.

He obediently turned and went to the side of the bed.

"A little closer," She gestured with her hand.

When he was about halfway toward her, she sat up, grabbed his arm, pulled him closer, and kissed him. He only met her lips, surprised! His body tensed. A bewildered look flashed on his face. Don't worry, I'm not going to eat you.

"Stay safe, ok? I'll make coffee for when you're back." She resisted the urge to pull him into the bed and show him what she was feeling. His body relaxed. She let him go. Till tonight!

Mayan Moon [ONC2024]Where stories live. Discover now