Part 20

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Some Day's Later, 

Tyrion's Pov, 

Standing on the wall I from even here can hear the scream that comes from the camp in front of us, they murdered his wife and his newborn son. They butchered a child..... a innocent child.  Any chance of ever having peace with Artys is now off the table they thought this would make him pull back his army? This will make him burn King's Landing down if he wishes, he is smart like Jon and he knows honor but his fury? His fury can be compared to that of Robert's. 

"You hear him scream." Joffrey says with some laughter as the whole court I think now stands on the wall and he's just enjoying the screams of a man who just lost everything...not his army..... not his vassals but his wife.... his son...and his friend. 

"Let him scream he can't do anything from down there." Father says and I think before anyone can register it, I see blonde hair coming this way on top of a white horse as he holds Robert's war hammer. 


"I'm going to kill you all you hear me! I'm going to burn this city down before I will let you get away with this! I will burn Castely Rock down and make sure you're all removed from the history books! In 200 years no one will know the name Lannister!" He yells our way as he points the hammer in our direction. 

"Do you hear me! You killed a child! A child you took him from his mother's arms and killed him! They took my sons body and threw it in the river! MY SON! " He continues and I hear the laughter leave Joffrey's lips and I let my eyes widen as Artys throws a dagger that misses Joffrey barely as it  slams into the guard behind him that fall dead to the ground.  

"Kill him! Kill him!" Joffrey yells as the archers begin to shoot their arrows and most slam past the man but some hit him and it looks like it doesn't even hurt him as he has three arrows in his body right now... how can anything hurt him anymore.... how can you hurt a man who just lost everything? 

Seeing him ride slightly away i soon see his men push forward a golden haired man and I see father move forward.  As I think all of our eyes dart over the scene as Artys breaks the arrows off he soon grabs the rope with one arm and pulls the man behind him back towards the gate. 

"Jaime." Cersei breaths out as the man comes closer and closer into view while the look on Artys's face is almost as haunting as his eyes..... "What did you expect he would do!? " I say as I move forward more as Artys dismounts his white horse. 

"Shoot him!" 

Seeing the archers shoot again they all miss as the man just barely stands out of reach. "Tywin Lannister a son for a son!" He yells as he kicks Jaime down on his knees and raises the Warhammer above his head with two hands before I hear gasps as he begins to smash it down onto Jaime's head.

"No! Stop him!" 

Artys's Pov, 

Bringing the hammer down over and over again while blood flies everywhere I soon release a yell as I look down at the smashed in head.

"I took your son.... soon I will take everything from you! Your home! Your children! Your grandchildren! You will all be removed from history!" I yell at the top of my lungs as I point the hammer at the men and women on the wall before turning to Mist and mounting her again. 

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