Chapter 13

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I was getting ready for the party, continuously ranting and sulking to myself. Yami and Viji had patched up miraculously after half an hour of their so called fight. While they were excitedly discussing the fun they are going to have in the party over text, I was complaining about my fate of being the third wheel.

"Stop complaining. You are going to enjoy today's party.  Maybe, your prince charming is waiting to ask you for a dance there.", Yami consoled me without taking her eyes from her phone.

"But my prince charming decided not to come to the party", I said out loud immediately, but after processing my words again, I closed my mouth with both my hands as if that action would make the words unheard. Did I just call Abijeet my prince charming? "Stop confirming my words with your brain. It's annoying", I almost heard my heart say.

Yami kept her phone down and walked towards me,"Do you love Abijeet or something?", her voice expressed curiosity, concern and excitement at the same time.

"I don't know.", I replied genuinely," I think spending almost the whole day with him is making me think like that. Or maybe it's just a crush. "

"You did spend almost the whole day with vijieesh for the past five years. Did you develop an crush towards him?",she questioned me.

"No, but Abijeet...", I stopped midway unable to complete my own sentence.

"Maybe you have not realised it yet. Think over it. Only you can find out." she said taking my hand in hers.

"If you ask me, I would say that you both are falling for each other. Time to make the right decision girl", he patted my shoulder and continued to text, leaving me confused.

I just half nodded in response. Her words echoed in my mind continuously. I didn't even hear her asking me to make a move as Viji had arrived to pick us up. He was the ride for us that night.

She came near me and tapped my shoulder as she realized that I had zoned out. She signaled me to make a move.
"Why don't you two go now? Abijeet will drop me at the party. I don't wish to interrupt your lovey dovey moments", I teased her to prevent her teasing me for my strange decision and winked at her. Well, I failed.

She sighed audibly and asked,"Is this done to not interrupt our lovey dovey moments or to create your own?", she giggled and hopped downstairs without waiting for a reply. I smiled to myself.

I locked our room and made my way to the nearby STD booth. I called the only person's number which I prefer to have memorised.

"Hello", I heard Abijeet's tired voice through the receiver. I gave a feeble hello in reply.

"Abi, why are you not at the party yet?", his voice gained new excitement and power. He recognised the very sound of my voice. My heart did a somersault out of joy. So does the maid at my house when I call home. My brain succeded in ruining my momentary happiness.

"That's why I called. Will you give me a ride to the party venue?", I came straight to the point. I never believed in saying pleasantries. 'Hello' is the longest plensantry I have used in an conversation.

"Sure. Where are you now?", he asked and I could hear the fiddling of cloth at the other end of the phone. Maybe he is trying to wear his shirt. Was he shirtless before? The very thought brought heat to my cheek and I could say that I was as red a tomato.

"I am in the  STD booth near college. Don't rush and drive safe.", I said and kept the phone down, exhaling deeply. Maybe I could use this time to analyse my feelings towards him. infinity and beyondWhere stories live. Discover now