Part 14.

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Artys's Pov, 

Some Time Later, 

"How far away are we?"

"The scouts speak of a day's march your grace." Lord Yohn speaks and I give him a small nod. "He holds 30,000 men does he not... we hold more but I do not think the man thought I practically pulled all of our men out of the Vale." I speak and he nods his head, we have about 50,000 fighting men I took just a bit more than 40,000 with me. 

Now the Vale is not easy to attack only a fool would try it..... but Tywin may think I'm foolish and that I would have left more men back at home even the North is only marching with 20,000 but that's because it would take Robb maybe a month or two to have all his men arrive since the lands are so large. The Vale is not as large, and we hold many mounted troops..... they call us Knights of the Vale for a reason. 

"How many archers do we hold?" 

"About 3000, Your grace." Ser Lyonel speaks and I again nod my head. "Footmen?" 

"Double of that." He speaks and that's 30,000 mounted men no one can match those numbers not even the reach or Tywin..... we hold more mounted men. "Tywin will think we will reach his army tomorrow...... we march through the night and surprise them. Ser Yohn you will take the infantry and go for the left flank..... Ser Vardis you will take the archers and go for the right flank only attack when you will get the signal...... three blows of a horn will be your signal not a moment sooner the eyes will be on the Knights of the Vale.... not on the footmen and archers you'll both trap them in.." 

"Your grace." They both say with a small now of their heads and I take a deep breath.


Wearing my armor, I hold the Warhammer in my hand as I look down at it..... it's coming closer and closer to a fight. "Scared?" 

"Yes." I softly say to Ser Barristan who rides his horse next to mine. "Good, only a fool would not be." 

"Didn't they call you Barristan the Bold?" I say as I hold my shield in my other hand. "Doesn't mean I was never scared." He says with a reassuring smile and I see the Lannister army in the distance running to their position. Tommen and Jace are at the back I do not wish harm to come to the both of them...... I know they wish to fight or well Jace wishes but I wish to keep them safe. 

"Arise! Arise Knights of the Vale! Lances shall be broken! Shields shall be splintered, and the ground will color red! Ride now, ride now, ride! Ride for Robert Baratheon! Ride for your true King! " I yell as I nudge Mist faster and faster and I hear the thousands upon thousands of men behind me begin to yell as they also ride faster and faster towards the army of Tywin. 

Seeing the bolts and arrows fly our way I hold my shield in front of me as I continue to ride faster and faster towards the men who are still running to get in position.... they did not think we would march through the night. Am I ready for this? Am I ready to take a man's life? Ready for war.......I have to.... to honor the words of a man who was like my second father..... for myself and my family. For Lord Stark who spoke for me and it got him land into a dungeon. 

Briefly looking down at the hammer I bring it back before reaching the line of soldiers and swinging it against a man's face as he flies back from the force as the Knights fly into the soldiers. 

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