Chapter 15 - Remember my name

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"Dae, I don't feel well" he said, his voice breaking, leaning forward, taking a deep breath he looked at her "I have something to show you" his voice changed, he was still covering his face "Come with me" he grabbed Dae's wrist and started pulling her along

The girl was shocked by the situation, Yunho held her so tightly that her whole hand started to hurt and turn red. His gait was fast and decisive, he knew where he wanted to go, he didn't look at Dae which scared her a little.

"Yunho where are we going?" she asked in vain "What's going on?" ignored in silence "Honnie?"

He stood still and slowly looked at her, revealing his face. His expression was desperate, he was smiling, baring his teeth. It wasn't a smile Dae loved, there was something crazy about it. He let go of her hand, which was already turning purple.

He grabbed her shoulders with both hands. He moved closer, his pupils dilated, filling half of his eyeballs. He quickly ran his tongue through his lower teeth, making Dae look disgusted.

"I need to show you something special, it's about you, your family, your personality, your whole appearance" he was constantly grinning like he was some sort of maniac. And he walked straight ahead, Dae anxiously following him, keeping her distance.

Moments later he fell to his knees, holding his stomach and leaning forward, Dae ran to him and placed her hand on his back, patting it gently. For a moment he was tense, he put his hands on the floor and they shook.

A single tear rolled down his cheek as he vomited, soundlessly expelling the black goo. It didn't look like something that any normal person would vomit. The color of the vomit hid the shiny white tiles beneath it. She moved her gaze away from the vomit and continued to stroke Yunho's back. The smell was nauseating, the stench of death making Dae feel dizzy.

"Help" he let out of him with a weak voice, after a few seconds later when Dae was about to say something but he suddenly got up and grabbed her wrist again

They ran to the iron door, there was no one in this part of the castle, no one who could know what was going on and what was happening to Yunho.

"One second I just need to open this up" Yunho said busy with iron lock

"What even is this place? Are we allowed here?" she spoke out of fear that there would be serious consequences "Yunho. Yunho answer me!"

Again, she was ignored, he opened the door, throwing off the iron, massive blockade.

"Come with me here" he said fascinated

Behind the door there were stairs, and only torches were visible every few meters. Yunho took bold steps down while the girl held on to her side. The walls were damp and muddy, and dust flew into her nose.


Finally, after a few minutes of walking down, they were walking through a straight corridor, there were many doors on both sides, Dae looked around but all she saw were spiderwebs. They were heading for the door at the very end of the hall. They heard a certain sound that scared the girl and they both started to look around them. After checking with his state whole room, Yunho decided that it was nothing and, ignoring the still fearful Dae, he continued walking straight.

When they reached the door, Yunho started working with the locks again, this time more skillfully, he quickly dealt with the lock, which he then dropped to the ground.

"I don't like this place, let us leave now please" Dae said placing her hand on his

He looked at her and his eyes returned to normal, but after a while his pupils dilated again and his terrible smile returned.

"Are you ready for this?" he opened the door

Dae hesitated, she didn't want to see behind the door, she didn't know what to expect there, not even something rational could come to her mind. Photos of her with her family? Maybe books about her? Who knew.

Slowly scanning the room, she saw something in the right corner. A few flowers, half of them turned black. Turning her gaze to the left, she saw a bed. The bed on which the woman was sitting. She was middle-aged, in old rags, her hair was curly, as if she didn't know what a hairbrush was.

She sensed a strange recognition from the woman, as well as a certain prejudice. Woman's aura was giving Dae some kind of chills, as if her whole body knew something her brain couldn't.

"This is your answer" Yunho pushed her into the room as the women got up from her bed

"Hello sweetheart" woman voice was pleasant but laced with sarcasm

"Hello" Dae said looking at Yunho and showing him she wants to leave but he didn't even looked at her

"Oh don't worry about him, he's just" woman pointed at Yunho "He's my puppet" she sighed

"Your puppet?" It was hard to even ask because the atmosphere in the room was uncomfortable

"Yes, he was supposed to help you to get to me" woman sat again on her bed holding her stomach the way Yunho did earlier "Come here, there's so much I need to tell you kid" she hurried Dae with hand

"What exactly you wanna tell me? Sorry for begin so direct but I don't have much time" Dae thought she would deftly get out of this situation

"You have much time, more than you think" woman laughed "Maybe if I tell you one thing about me, then you'll listen" she smiled "My name is Amaris. I'm your mother"

Dae opened her eyes wider, the woman started laughing slightly and Dae herself came closer, hoping for some explanation. Appearance of woman wasn't smiley, her eyes were bloody.

"Sorry for keeping you in no knowledge for so long. But you were in jail and then you were injured so I thought it can wait a little longer" Amaris touched Dae's hair but girl moved her hand away "I don't know what I can do so you'll believe me. But trust me I hired Yunho to help me find you. And there you are" she cupped Dae's cheek, touching her tender skin her dry finger

„I don't know either, I lost my memory so I have nothing to prove you're my family member" she said coldly to the woman. When she wanted to leave, Yunho blocked the door and she looked at him with mad look. On one hand she didn't think her friend could be artificial, but he was.

Avoiding him didn't help, they started wrestling until Amaris emerged from behind, holding Dae's arm. It made Dae feel calm again, she was relaxed as before entering here.

„You will stay, sweetheart" Amaris said and her voice seemed possessed „Mother needs you to stay right now"

Dae wanted to speak but she couldn't, something was blocking her throat. Like if she got angina but only with a blockage in her digestive tract.

Amaris, with one wave of her hand, passed the girl next to the bed. And the girl was choking.

„I need to eat your heart in order to get mine back" Amaris said ominously „This won't hurt much. Believe me I experienced more pain than you think"

Dae's short life flashed troughs her eyes and she looked at Yunho for the last time. Unbothered looked at her and his stomach started to hurt once again, same goes for old lady. Dae felt dizzy as soon as Amaris touched her. She felt such great fear and felt cold sweats and then passed.


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