Sophie at a tribunal

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Sophie: but your honour
Bronte: nuh uh. You were eating during class.
Sophie: but your honour, I pled hunger
Bronte: author note: best read in British accent bronte clears his throat thou shall go fucketh thyself
Sophie: I'm gonna go cognate - rawr on you. Come on fitz
Sophie and fitz go cognate-rawr on bronte and find all the deepest darkest secrets to blackmail him with
Sophie: you and councillor emery are dating
Councillor bronte and councillor emery in unison: I would never do such a thing. Confesses love to councillor oralie
Oralie: thou shall go fucketh thyself. Both of you. Who I truly love is Elwin.
Elwin: magically appears I am the chosen one.
Sophie: d-dad? Did you get the milk? I've been eating orange juice with my cereal
Elwin: I don't claim this child. Sophie foster can go back into the foster system
Grady and edaline: magically appears and does a ritual to bring back Jolie from the dead
Jolie comes back to life and slaps Grady and dies again

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