(Xenos) Chapter 75 Hero Once More

Start from the beginning

Finn(mind): Is that gargoyle...being manipulated? It's only aiming for the Guild member Sora Yatagami is protecting. Considering Perseus's crazy magical items, I guess that's believable?

The half-elf girl was wearing a bracelet giving off a mysterious purple light. Utilizing to its fullest the enhanced kinetic vision of a pallum, Finn easily saw through the events. A god was toying with the mortal realm, rewriting the plot to achieve his desired ends.

Finn: The plaza is a stage, the residents are the audience, and the monsters and adventurers are the extras to excite the crowd. And the star is...a single boy crossing blades with a reactive gargoyle.

Finn murmured to himself softly, so that the members readying their bows didn't hear him. Below his eyes, a stir rose from the residents who still couldn't manage to escape the plaza, from the "crowd." And it wasn't out of fear.

Citizen 1: Lightning Flash...

Citizen 2:The Lightning Flash? You mean Sora Yatagami?

Citizen3: He's fighting...for our sake...

They were talking about the adventurer putting himself on the line to protect the half-elf under attack, the brave boy who'd gallantly appeared in their moment of need. How would it look in the eyes of the people who'd criticized Sora Yatagami?

Lai: B-Big Brother...

Murmured the orphans who Finn had met the other day in the crowd. Among a group of human, chienthrope, and half-elf orphans, Ossian the pallum boy was there, watching Sora's battle in shock. The disappointment in his eyes gradually faded as he struggled to understand what was going on. The crowd's disapproval of Sora Yatagami was dissipating.

Finn(mind): A farce...

The crowd had been attacked, the heroine was in peril, and the hero protected them from the monsters.

It was all drama.

It was all absurd.

Anyone would be drawn in by the performative manipulations of a god. Should he praise Hermes for his talent? Or should he be disappointed that the residents of the mortal plane were made to dance for him? Upon understanding the god pulling the strings behind the scenes, Finn alone looked at the "stage" with clear eyes.

Other than him, the only ones who saw through the creation of the stage were gods.

As he saw Hestia Familia arrive in the plaza with their patron goddess and stand there when they realized they were unable to do anything, Finn thought to himself.

Finn(mind): If his actions five days ago were a folly...this is a purification ceremony.

A ritual to earn back the title of hero as a coda. The reaffirmation of a hero as arranged by a god. Did Hermes intend to force Sora into the role of a hero? Finn didn't know his divine will, but that was his best guess.

Finn(mind): If I were in his position...

If it were Finn, what would he do? Would he dance if he knew everything would turn out as he desired? Or would he brush it off, saying he couldn't possibly stomach it? But in the end—Finn suspected he would prioritize his ambition. He'd go along with the ulterior motives of the god. For the sake of his people, he would throw away his pride. He would return to take the role of a hero.

 He would return to take the role of a hero

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