
233 16 98


Wattpad Username-
Name/Pen name/Nickname-
Pronouns (She/her, he/him, they/them)-
Roles applying for (MAX 3 ROLES ONLY)-
Preferred Language (Hindi or English)-
Are you above 13? (Your age if you are comfortable sharing)-
Discord id (DM us if you are not comfortable sharing it in a public comment section)-
Any other social media handle if you do not have discord (Mention id and name of social media handle)-
Experience in other communities (If possible name the communities as well as the role you have their)-
From which country you are? (This is just to adjust our projects according to the time differences)-
How did you discover us?-

Why you wish to join this community?-
Tags (12+ other users)-

Fill the form in a single comment, we will not be accepting messy forms.

~Thank You~

Aaliyah and Priyanka

Dostali jste se na konec publikovaných kapitol.

⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Mar 06 ⏰

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RAINBOW COMMUNITY | HIRING BOOK [OPEN]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat