
Start from the beginning

Eiji: You know you told me that a million times now.

Ankh: And each and every time you still get excited for no apparent reason.

Eiji: Well its the only story about my predecessor you ever talk about.

Hina and Ankh both look down in silence, with sadness in their eyes, as they are reminded of their deceased friend.

Eiji sees the sadness in their and quickly stands back, up snapping the two out of their sadness.

Eiji: Anyways, ever found out who sent me the driver or how medals ever got in me.

Ankh: Sorry, kid still a dead end over there.

Eiji: You travelled all the way to where mom found me right?

Ankh: Yep, got nothing on that sector.

Eiji: What about who sent me the driver?

Hina: Actually I've been wondering that along time now. How did Eiji get the driver? If I remember correctly it was delivered to him by mail 2 years ago, but how did that happen? Shouldn't you have the driver Ankh? 

Ankh: After 2 years, your asking that now?

Hina: Well I was busy.

If I remember correctly you took all the medals and the driver after.....

Hina remained silent for a moment a hint of sadness could be heard in her voice before she stopped talking. Ankh sees this and decided to  continue the conversation from there.

Ankh: Fine, in all honesty after the battle 22 years ago, I took the core medals and the belt with me and travelled. It was during that time I....

Eiji/Hina: You....

Eiji and Hina gulped in anticipation as they listened intently in Ankh's explanation.

Ankh: I...... lost the medals and belt a while back.

Eiji/Hina: YOU LOST THEM!?

Ankh: More accurately someone stole them.

Hina: How?

Ankh: Here's how it happened


Ankh was currently walking  on the streets of a an unknown city, with a popsicle and a bag of ice cream in hand.

Ankh: Damn it, Eiji, why did you never tell me ice cream was so expensive.

Ankh angrily takes a bite of the ice cream, as he continues walking. After his bite he looked down silently with a sad look in his eyes.

Ankh: If I knew they were so expensive I wouldn't  been so hard on you in supplying me them, you know.

Ankh looks and sees a figure , wearing baggy clothes and  wild black hair. The figure  turns his head slightly to Ankh before giving the Greed a small smile before fading away.

Ankh: Damn it. I'm seeing ghosts now.

Ankh shakes his head before he continues walking. However, before he could continue walking.....

Ankh: Huh?

Ankh felt a presence watching over him. He looks around for a moment.

Ankh: Come out, before I make you! I know you're out there!

Ankh's threats work as behind one of the buildings a cloaked figure walked out. Ankh glares at the  cloak figure, as he drops his bag of ice cream on the ground and takes one last bite out of his popsicle.

Senki Zesshou Symphogear: Song of EternityWhere stories live. Discover now