maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for something new

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here's something I wrote at 4:04 last night as an audition for five hargreeves in an rp group (somehow I got accepted??)

uhh anyways it isn't that good bcs I was ofc half asleep 👍

the sidewalk was empty, save for the tired souls wandering after nothing, walking in circles to forget everything.

five was among the few that seemed to actually be awake and in search of something, anything. he had no expression as he strode down the sidewalk, his mind loud enough with unwanted thoughts.

shopping. he didn't like it, but he didn't hate it. it was like an odd dream that you barely remember but sticks in your head for years to come.

five wasn't very familiar with the stores. they all were the same neon signs and dirty floors. as long as the products fit into the budget, he was fine.

he stopped at an intersection, glancing at the street sign. looking around, he recognized one of the little fading signs hanging on an old brick building. *Will's Grocery and Deli*, it read in a bold font.

looking out for traffic, five quickly crossed the street. still in a slight haze, he opened the glass door gingerly. little bells rang, causing him to flinch slightly.

"good afternoon," called the weary cashier from a dingy corner, "we've got five percent off of everything today, by the way."

five hated talking to people. it was always a waste of time and energy.

"good afternoon. thanks." he answered shortly, ducking into the baked goods aisle.

soft jazz filled the otherwise silent store, accompanied by someone crooning about technology over a small radio in the corner of a shelf filled with shells and mirrors.

five tried to shop quickly, but as always, fell under the trance of the fluorescent lights and soft-spoken words.

an hour later, he stumbled out with four bags full of goods and a pounding headache. those awful bells rang again, waking him up slightly.

home. yeah, he needed to go home...

there better be a mirrorball, miscWhere stories live. Discover now