We are Coming.....

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On the outskirts of Dol Guldur we see multiple torches in a long line leading to the fortress. At the fortress itself, we see multiple people making their way inside. Some of them wild orcs who were following some sort of calling, some Easterlings making camp outside, and Haradrim on their Mumikil. Inside we see one lonely orc make his way to the throne room where there was nothing, but darkness. 


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Suddenly, a giant shodowy figure came from the cracks of the room and towered over him.

Y/n: "Kulknej grow shal numbas....."
           (We grow in number...)

The shadow moved around the orc.

Y/n: "Kulknej grow shal ukavrengavh....."
           (We grow in Strength)

The shadow moved to face the orc.

Y/n: "Lat aid alnej shal leadaumn mausan ushtar"
            (You will aid me in leading my army.)

Orc: "Buav whaav ro avhe ukhe parar?"
            (But what of the She elf?)

The Shadow didn't move.

Y/n: "War iuk comaumn."
            (War is coming.)

Orc: "Buav ukhe gelnaj hindas your planuk!"
           (But she could hinder your plan!)

The shadow quickly dissipated throughout the room leaving the orc alone.

Y/n: "Deaavh liwo come avo gith!"
            Death will come to all!"

The orc stood in silence until a voice from a goblin pulled him out of his thoughts.

Goblin: "What now sir?"

The orc turns to the entrance of the throne room.

Orc: "PRAK!"

From the entrance Prak Jaws, one of the first uruks bred in this new world walked in and stood in front of the orc.

Orc: "We have need of your......skills......Tell me.......Do you have a taste for elf flesh?........."


The Nazgul of Nazarick (An Overlord  x Male Reader Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora