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Next morning I got up, took a warm shower and ran to the CCPD

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Next morning I got up, took a warm shower and ran to the CCPD. Arriving I got notified that a fire went down in a building and I needed to get down there. I was supposed to wait for Barry's call because I'm just an intern and he's my supervisor but I couldn't find him anywhere. Which gave me some relief because I wasn't prepared yet to face him.

Down at the location I entered the building and bumped into someone.

"Sorry, I- Hey, what are you doing here?" I smiled.

"Working. I'm an officer, remember?" Patty answered.

"Right. Stupid question." I chuckle. "I'm kind of nervous. This is my first time on the field"

"And they sent you to come here alone?"

"I was supposed to come with my supervisor slash partner but I couldn't find him"

"I can show you around if you want. Team Spigan.. no, Team Skatty. MORVOT! Yeah, I like that one." she said proudly.

"What's happening?" I laughed.

"It's our team name. Morgan plus Spivot, MORVOT." She said happily with her hands resting on her belt.

"You're weird, you know that?" I looked at her smiley face. "But don't worry. I like it. So, where to?"

"So, what we've gathered is that one person was here. There's traces of gasoline burns all over the place. Sprinkles weren't working so water didn't go off" Patty pointed at the gasoline stains on the walls.

I opened my case and took out some gloves. Walking over the walls I rubbed my hand over it. "These walls are too porous to pull out any prints" I said disappointed.


"Where was the origin of the fire?" I asked.

"Here. I haven't checked that part yet" She turned on her heels.

We both walked into the room that was also covered in burn stains. There were some wires out too. But what caught my attention was the feeling under my boots. I looked down to see grainy dust on the concrete floor. I bend down to have a closer look. "It looks like.." I grabbed some of it with my finger and rubbed it. "...sand"

"Skye, look at this" Patty called me over. "See this. See this wire. It has a precise cut"

"It also has sand residues. The only thing that comes to my mind it's a sand blaster. But they are used to clean metals, not cutting them." I kept analyzing the scene.

"That's probably because it wasn't a tool that cut it. It was a person. A meta-human to be exact" She stated.

"How do you know?" I furrow my brows and tilt my head in confusion.

"Just a hunch. You may wanna take a sample"

"Yeah. I'll run some tests at the lab" I took a test tube out of my bag. "We should keep looking"

Struck By You (Barry Allen)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin