twenty three

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We had the song down, after 4 hours. It was amazing. I even got involved with helping form the bass-line. It was so fun.

And what made it even better was that i was sober.

Usually Paul and the others are always pissed when thinking of songs but we were sober with a few cigs and we were laughing until we were on the floor. Pure joy.

"Fuck it i cant stop" Graham said while on the floor holding his stomach.

"Can't stop addicted to the shindig-" i started singing The Red Hot Chillis song and that just made Graham worse.

The sun had started setting and we all had started settling down. Talking about loads of things, life, bands, there ex girlfriends, there album, Oasis' songs and getting high.

"You guys should come here more often" i said. "Your welcome to crash here the night" i said.

"I know its not my house but yer always welcome" Noel added winking at them then me.

I could tell he was really warming up the them and i loved it.

"Look, i have the first demo CD of Modern Life Is Rubbish, you keep it and see what u think of the rest of the album." Damon said and handed it to Noel who passed it to me.

"Thank you" i said.

"We need to think of the cover of it, maybe u guys could help us with that too" he added.

"That would be amazing" i said.

"Now we can copy yer stuff. Cheers Damo" Noel replied, which made him laugh.

"Keep it safe though, that CD and another one we have in this bag are the only ones with our songs on for this album and without hearing them we forget the chords, thats how new they are we still need to reference to the recording" Damon said while laughing.

"I will don't worry." i said, while taking the CD to the kitchen and writing Blur on the front, then running it up to my room.

"Cheers for not thinking im like me brother" Noel mentioned.

"Its nothing, we know he has his reputation" Damon laughed.

"Fuck sakes he does" Noel replied. "But deep down under the 'rough lad' appearance he's a soft sod."

"Very much so" i added while laughing.

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