#O3 ☆ Ring

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After searching the entire palace, you entered the only room left that you felt you hadn't checked yet. The door was large and had a golden lining. You placed your hand on the knob and turned it.

Revealed to you was a seemingly outdoor area with a large tree, pillars of rocks and green grass that covered the ground. The sunlight shone down from the roofless sky.

But alas, there was still no Gaolang Wongsawat to be found. Most people would have already given up at this point, however you did not.

You pulled out your cellphone and dialed a number.

Ring! Ring! Ring!


"You can not avoid me forever, Mr. Wongsawat." You stood beside him behind the tree where he had been hiding. He stepped back in surprise.

You stared him down as he looked away in embarrassment and shame. He had been caught actively avoiding you.

"I wasn't avoiding you." He firmly said. You raised your eyebrow.

"Alright, if you say so. I am still your personal dietician and medical doctor though. Care to explain why your knuckles are bleeding?" You asked. He looked down at his fists.

"This is nothing." Gaolang replied, walking past you.

Of course you already knew why he had bleeding knuckles and shins. There were traces of blood on the tree and pillars of rocks. He had been hitting them, assumingly to build strength and resilience as he is a bodyguard and fighter that specializes in Muay Thai.

"You may finish your session. I will wait. Then, I will have you escort me back to my office so we can further discuss your daily physical activeness and your diet." You established. He clicked his tongue, obviously irritated.

Only sounds of Gaolang grunting, punching and kicking hard rocks were to be heard. You stayed quiet as you observed him.

Suddenly, he spoke.
"I don't know why his highness has put you up to this, Ms. L/N, however i'll have you know it is completely unnecessary and is not of importance to neither you nor I."

A stubborn one.

"I agree. However, i'd much rather not face consequences of actively disobeying his royalty. Say, Mr. Wongsawat, aren't you his highest bodyguard and right hand man? Has the king not assigned for you to be medically taken care of by I? Yet you seem to avoid treatment and dare I say, rebelling against the orders of the king. It would be much trouble if this news were to reach his highness." You snapped back.

Gaolang's expression remained unphased, but he punched harder in a way that had abruptly made the thick pillar of rocks crumble into little pieces.

"My apologies, you are correct." He said. You smirked, satisfied.

"Are you done for the day? Shall we go?"

He nodded, putting on a robe to cover his bare  torso.

You tailed him as he lead you to your office. He entered the room first and you followed.

He sat down on the white hospital bed. You put on blue medical gloves to examine him. He took off his robe.

You inspected his body. You noticed his left rib had severe bruising on it and his wrist had once been broken, still on track for recovery.

He winced in pain as you lightly touched his rib. His bruise was tender and purple. His wounds looked fresh. These must have been inflicted on him only recently.

You disinfected and cleaned his wounds. You proceeded to put ointments on his bruises and specifically applied an ointment with Povidone iodine on other older wounds on his body.

"Alright. Now-" You took off your gloves and threw them away.

"Let's discuss your diet."

Troubled & Bruised ☆ Gaolang Wongsawat x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now