Although the vampire seemed to be enjoying herself, Jordan was having the worst time of her life. Anywhere Daniela touched, her skin would burn horribly. Like she was being touched by hot embers that threatened to burn away her flesh until she was left with nothing but pain.

"D-don't please...." She begged, trying to pull away from the touch.

"What's wrong? Why do you look so...strange....?"  Daniela asked, her tone of voice shifting slightly.

Without meaning to, the redhead moved her face closer to Jordan's. She placed her hand under her chin to tilt her head up slightly. Jordan had squeezed her eyes shut by now, willing herself to calm down and not panic. She tried. But the situation was making her breathing grow faster and more labored and before she knew it, she was hyperventilating and a sob tore its way from her throat. Tears pricked the edges of her eyes, and her mind was starting to shut down.

Just as she was sure she was going to be pushed under, the weight on top of her left all at once, and the touch went with it. Jordan opened her eyes and blinked away her tears, confused by the sudden loss. Then she noticed that Daniela was now kneeling beside her with a confused and slightly panicked look on her face.

"H-huh?! Why are you crying? I didn't...I didn't hurt you, did I?? I don't get it...ah, Mother will be mad if I hurt you before you were ready. I didn't mean to! I promise I didn't mean to!" Daniela said, her eyes darting every which way as if she was trying to find an injury. "I-I don't smell fresh blood on you. Where did I hurt you? Ah...ah no...."

Now Jordan was entirely confused. All of her previous distress had come to a screeching halt in favor of her now utter bafflement. Why was Daniela panicking like this? It didn't make sense. She kept mentioning something about Jordan being hurt, and that appeared to be her main focus at the moment. She wasn't injured from anything Daniela had done, but her body reacted involuntarily when she had been pinned. Did Daniela mistake her panic for pain? Why was she panicking so badly?

"I-I'm fine....I'm fine....I'm not...hurt or anything like that...." Jordan said, pushing herself up into a sitting position.

As she was wiping the tears from her eyes, she noticed that the vampire now had a look of relief on her face. For a brief moment, she watched the redhead look down at her own bloodstained hands, as if she was trying to think of something, then she nodded. A smile returned to her crimson splashed face.

"Yes...yes! I knew it! You're okay! Of course you're okay! I wouldn't hurt you without meaning to. I-I haven't done that in a while. I'm better than that now. I can control myself...." Daniela trailed off into silence before she quickly snapped herself back out of it. "So why did you cry, little mouse? Did I scare you too much? I just wanted to touch you..."

Well it certainly wasn't a trick of the ears. Jordan really couldn't figure out where such a drastic change had come from, but then a certain conversation with the eldest sister flash across her mind. She remembered what Bela told her about Daniela getting her emotions mixed up often and panicking easily as a result. Was that what was happening now? She didn't seem like she understood the reasoning behind Jordans sudden panic and tears, so it was likely.

"I-I don't....liked being that..." Jordan finally said. "I didn't mean to cry...."

Daniela blinked back at her, then tilted her head to the side like a curious animal would. It would've been cute if, again, her face wasn't stained with blood from who knows where. The redhead seemed to be trying to process what was said, and by the continuously curious look on her face, it seemed that she wasn't getting anywhere.

"I don't get it....everyone likes my touch. They would scream out in joy each time I touched them. Was I too rough? I don't get why you don't like it. Do you....not love me anymore?" Daniela asked, quietly. "Do you....hate me?"

And Icarus Looked Straight Into The Sun As He Burned(Rewritten)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin