Paige wasn't happy at all and was practically in Lucy's face but all she did was smile. How could you smile with Paige in your face like that is beyond me. It wasn't until Paige shoved her out of the way when I realized how much pain I was in.

I completely landed the wrong way for my ankle and then my knee took the blow after it. Paige and Aaliyah as well as the rest of the team were by me now. Paige had the look of pure rage, she also had sadness for me. She knew that I was hurting.

Of course she knew. She always knew this shit about me and Aaliyah did too. They both gave me a, 'do you want to try and stand up look.' It was obviously interrupted by Geno and the trainer coming over.

I was telling them don't come over with my hand motions. One I had a free throw to make because I made the basket. Two I was not about to be told I couldn't play, fuck that. Lastly I'm not gonna let a little pain stop me and satisfy Lucy. She won't win.

"Kid come on let's get you over to the side lines."

"No Geno I'm fine I just needed a moment so that way I don't punch Lucy in her face for that. Let me shoot my shot and continue this game. I can do it."

Shit, I didn't know if he would fall for that shit especially because I wouldn't do it. The trainer had a look on his face because we both knew, it needed to be wrapped and at least further looked at.

"Take your shot kid but then you're coming out so he can look at that leg."

Damn it. I knew he wouldn't fully fall for that shit. "Okay." Many people offered me their hands but there was only one person I specifically wanted help from. Paige. I whispered in her ear, "help me up from my left side so I can lean my way up."

Paige immediately went to my left side with Aaliyah and the trainer on my right. As soon as I got up I felt the pain. It wasn't gonna keep me from all of this, my first point of this damn game won't be my last.

"You okay Harps." Paige said it with a little pain in her voice and a look that said it all. She I wasn't and that for me hurt more than the actual pain in my side. I just nodded and tried to walk over to the free throw line.

I succeeded in doing it for my and one. The ref gave me a you ready look and I nodded for him. Everyone got off the court besides the ones playing. Lucy ended up with a warning and one more would give her a technical sending her straight to the locker room.

I think what made this worse was Riley was there for it all. She was confused of why her sister would do something like that to me. Like I said, Riley knew nothing about Lucy and I. I knew I should've told her back then so that way she could understand it all now.

I was just scared she wouldn't look at me the same knowing what me and her sister had. Almost as if it was an unspoken rule to us. I finally made eye contact with her before this free throw. I don't know what came over me but I whispered sorry to her.

It left Riley with an even more confused face about it all. I know she felt bad for me because of what Lucy had done. She just can't show it due to the fact we were on opposite sides of the scoreboard.

"Okay you get one shot!" The ref passed me the ball with the whistle in his mouth. Passing it over to me I grabbed it. I tried to bend my knee just a bit only for some pain to hit me. I just closed my eyes for a second and breathed.

I needed to play this game and make this basket, the pain won't win. I took two dribbles up and down. I took the shot bringing my knee back up and the pain to hit again. It didn't matter though, I had made the shot and Geno immediately called a timeout.

It's More Than Basketball~ PAIGE BUECKERSWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt