Niall Horan Short Imagine

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"Niallll!" You groaned ,scattering around your shared flat searching for your remote.

" Yeah,babe?" He called back in the kitchen,cooking dinner for both you and him.

" I can't find the remote!" You cried ,checking under the sofa ,cushions basically everywhere in the living room.

"I'd help you look for it ,princess ,but I'm 'kinda busy'." Niall's thick Irish voice replied back placing some of the finished delicious meals on the dining table for you guys supper then walked back to the kitchen to wash a few left dishes.

That is when you checked the final area,which was behind the table where your 7 inch flat screen T.V sat on .

"Yes!" You said in relief,hearing a low chuckle escaping Niall's lips.

"Finally got it now princess?"

"Yes now I don't have the fricking stress to look for it now." You said ,struggling to get the remote which was so close yet so far to reach .Niall smiled at you then held your waist ,giving your bum a little pat before reaching out for the remote for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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