Rapunzel raced across the meadow. The sun's rays bounced off her skin and made the scenery ever more beautiful. With her bare feet, she kicked up the dirt, watching bits of it fly in the air briefly. The summer breeze blew over her.
That's when she felt it. Rapunzel looked to her right to find her long golden locks blowing through the wind.
This did not surprise the princess. She gave a soft giggle at the sight before she wiped the loose strands of hair out of her face. Rapunzel continued her trek through the meadow, scanning for any new sights until she spotted a figure.
They were blurry at first, but after focusing for a minute, Rapunzel realized that it was Eugene. He had his back to her, and he seemed to be walking away.
"Eugene?" Rapunzel called out to her boyfriend with a smile still spread over her cheeks. Thinking it was a game, the princess laughed and chased after him. "Eugene! Where are you going?"
It didn't take long for the princess to reach him. She placed a hand on his shoulder, causing him to turn.
Rapunzel was cut off when she was shoved back by the former thief. The princess managed to keep her footing and stood still. She was about to complain--
--But her words soon evaporated and replaced with a horrified gasp.
Eugene's skin was deathly pale. His brown eyes dulled, and a red stain soaked through his shirt.
Despite his sickly demeanor, though, Eugene carried a vengeful glare towards his girlfriend.
"How could you do this, Rapunzel?"
"Eugene, what--"
"You told me I was your new dream. I thought we were happy--"
"W-We are! Eugene, please, I want to be with you." Tears began to fill Rapunzel's gaze. "My parents, they just thought--"
"Thought what, blondie? That I wasn't good enough? Admit! You're ashamed to be with me. I'll always be a low-life to them... to you."
"No, no! That's not true. You know that's not true," Rapunzel cried. She desperately wondered how this argument went downhill so fast.
She rushed over to the former thief and placed a hand on his cheek, but he moved his face away. Her heart sank when she saw the disgust in his eyes.
The princess then looked down to see the red stain growing over Eugene's chest, drenching his vest now. Rapunzel grabbed chunks of her hair and stepped closer.
"Eugene, you're bleeding out. Please, I can't lose you again!" Rapunzel spat, her voice gaining volume from fear.
Eugene, though, refused to look at her. He turned away once again and started walking across the meadow.
"Goodbye, Rapunzel..."
"Eugene. Eugene!" Rapunzel shouted. She tried to follow him, but her legs couldn't catch up this time no matter how fast she ran.
The sky turned to night. The grassy field began to shrivel and die. The only source of light came from the moon above as it shined down on Eugene like a spotlight, causing the princess to do nothing but watch as he walked farther and farther away.
Rapunzel fell to her knees while tears spilled down her cheeks. As the wind kicked up around her, lifting up her long hair until it practically levitated, sickening laughter echoed all around her.
"Mother told you, deary. He will eventually leave you. You were always too naive to be here."
As Gothel's voice consumed the princess, Rapunzel belted out a scream. She clutched the sides of her head and continued to wail, praying that the witch's laughter would just cease.

Fractured Dreams|•°Before Ever After°•
Fanfiction[Rated PG-13 for some minor swearing and violence. Think of it like a Young Adult novel.] °•°•°•° "Is this Happily Ever After, after all?" ~~~~~~~ After six months living within the castle's walls, Rapunzel's beginning to feel trapped once again. Fe...