Part 2: A Royal Secret

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Shoes were never much of Rapunzel's thing, especially the pinching ones she was forced to wear for any esteemed guests that came to the castle. Simply standing in place was killing the princess's feet. Once all the guests arrived, Rapunzel was going to go straight to her room and desperately find less torturing footwear.

She stood in front of her parents at the castle's entrance. With shoulders back and posture straight, just like she was taught, the princess was prepared to make her parents proud... and to not make a fool of herself.

When the first carriage arrived by the setting sun, the tightness in Rapunzel's chest returned.

She was not ready. Not ready for this long evening. Not ready for all the rules to remember and all the boring steps that were required to just dance with someone! She wasn't ready. Not one bit--

"Announcing her highness, Queen Nova and her daughter, Princess Nuru, from the Kingdom of Estelle."

Rapunzel snapped out of her daze once a woman and her daughter emerged from their carriage and ascended the steps. Queen Nova was a very tall, stunning woman. She wore a dark violet gown with tiny crystals that resembled constellations. Her teenage daughter was equally beautiful with her blue dress complimenting her dark skin and gold pupils.

"Queen Nova, we welcome you to our kingdom," King Fredric said with his hands resting behind his back.

"Thank you for having us, your majesty," Queen Nova spoke with a warm smile. Rapunzel's gaze shifted from her to her daughter. It was Rapunzel's turn, but her mouth suddenly felt dry. Oh how she wished Cassandra or Eugene were here to do the talking for her because she was about five seconds away from collapsing. After swallowing hard, the princess straightened her posture once more and smiled towards the newcomers.

"Hello! Welcome to Corona. It's a pleasure to have you here. Love your gowns, by the way. Who designed them? I've been meaning to try some new techniques for dress-making, but I've been having some very serious artist block lately and--"


Rapunzel glanced back to see her father with a stern gaze. Her mother carried a small smile but nodded in agreement with the king.

"Right, sorry... welcome," Rapunzel said with flushed cheeks, refocusing her attention to the guests. The much younger princess stifled a giggle until Queen Nova gave her daughter a stern look as well. The two continued inside the castle, leaving Rapunzel to fan her burning face.

"Remember, Rapunzel, keep the greetings brief," the king stated gently. Rapunzel nodded in response before focusing back on what was in front of her. She was then startled when the next guest had appeared only a few feet away from her. Another carriage had pulled up while she was busy talking to Queen Nova and her daughter. Corona's princess blinked a few times before realizing that she had not heard the guest's name announced.

"Hi, welcome! I'm so sorry, but I didn't manage to get your name--"

"I'll have you know how very rude it is not to give your guests their full attention, your majesty," the guest spat from behind her fan. The young woman was dressed in a rather lavish pink gown while wearing a very large wig with white powder on her face to match.

Rapunzel winced at the comment, not wanting to see the looks of her parents' disapproval from behind. Her palms became sweaty from holding them together for so long while she tucked a strand of her short, brown locks behind her ear.

"I'm really sorry. I mean no disrespect, ma'am."

"I am Duchess Penelope of the Saforia Kingdom. I will ask that you have the decency to refer to me by my title," the guest demanded with her chin high. Rapunzel's shoulders tensed before nodding vigorously this time.

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