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AGE 11


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♡ "Hello Yang."
The white wolf pup met up with me during recess. Ever since my parents' deaths have been public knowledge, this white wolf just seems to follow me like a shadow.
Not inside the school, but when I am outside and alone he just comes up to me and keeps me company.
Yang was a name I gave him, his sibling is black so his name is Yin. Like balance.
He sat next to me, yawning and flicking his tail a little, looking around us in the wooded area next to the school.
"You know...I've been trying my best to stay positive. Maki stays with me sometimes at the house, my grammy cooks really good food and has been spoiling me."
I kick my feet that dangle over the ground a bit from the log we sat on.
"Everyone at school has been caring for me too, they help me with homework and if I drop something they pick it up for me so I don't bend down and break any stitches..."
My eyes start to blur with tears.
Yang licks the side of my face as I sniffle.
"I'm gonna be a sorcerer now too...My cursed energy is supers strong now...but..."

I just stop talking, allowing the tears to fall freely, hugging the wolf beside me who laid his head on top of my head.
I don't know why this happened.
We were okay.
Mama and dad were okay...
No, they weren't okay.
"Is it selfish of me to ask for them back?"
Yang growls as if saying 'no'.
"It feels selfish. Mama and dad fought so much, but I would give anything to have that back then be without them."
I cried even harder knowing my request only put my mother through more pain-all for my selfish want of having my parents alive.
"Chi Chi!"
Maki calls, I don't answer, I just keep crying into Yang's fur.
She found me...
"Hey! You shouldn't be out here crying alone Chiyo! You shouldn't be alone when you have me."

"Yang is here with me...I don't wanna be a burden. You shouldn't have to see me like this."
Maki was silent.
I knew my words upset her.
She is going to give me a long talk on why what I said was stupid...
But that lecture never came.
All she did was hug my back into her chest and sigh.
"Chi Chi, do you want to know something that might take your mind off of things?"
"The wolf dogs that have been around you recently, they are Megumi's. He said not to tell you, he said he felt bad you were going through something like this and didn't want you to feel alone. He said it was mainly because he also wanted to pay your kindness back from when you gave him your hand towel when he got that drink thrown on him."
Megumi sent them to keep me company?
I look at Yang who just blinks slowly at me like a cat, his tail moving side to side slow.
"He really...did that?"
" maybe even I misjudged him."
Maki let me go, offering me a hand.
"Your cursed energy, you have been practicing control right?"

I nod.
That is the only reason why no one around me is dead.
There is only so much I can teach myself though...
Maki started to lead me back towards the school, Yang followed close after me just until we reached the side gym doors, I give him some goodbye head scratches and am yanked into the gym full of other students lining up in their grade lines to then march back to class in an orderly fashion.
"It is getting hard to handle cursed energy. I just don't have the natural feel of it. It is foreign to me...using my negativity as a power source. I just want to be back to normal."
"You will understand it soon. I will talk to Gojo Sensei, he is going to be my master next year for high school. He should be able to help you too."
"Thank you Maki-san."
"Of course, anything for you Chi Chi, now we should line up for class."
Maki and I part ways to stand in our respective lines, and her line leaves first because third years are our respective seniors.
Then Megumi's year, second years next, Megumi wasn't actually in line though, he wasn't even in the room...
Then my line, as we filed out I glance out a window.
There Megumi was, petting both of his Shikigami dogs with a gentle smile on his lips, his green eyes soft, his touch gentle...
He was not scary in this moment.
I wonder if I will be able to approach him one day.
We will both become sorcerers after all.

𝘠𝘅𝘠 ∙ 𝗙𝗨𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗚𝗨𝗥𝗢 𝗠𝗘𝗚𝗨𝗠𝗜Where stories live. Discover now