18: Cookout

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€: MJ's POV €:
Saturday , November 8th
11:49 am

Rachel was already here. She came last night, stayed the night, and insisted on doing my make-up, even though she couldn't do anything with my hair, claiming "The hair is just too thick.". I don't see what the big deal is or why I need to look really good. She's been to Dad's cookout every year except once since sixth grade.

She applied anything I could have done to my face: concealer, light eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow. All Rachel had on was mascara and eyeliner, which I didn't think fair, since she 'did me up' like this.

Either way, she's still my best friend, and I love her. We were both in normal, out-of-school outfits: skinny jeans, t-shirts, converse, and a jacket. I didn't know who else that my parents invited to the barbecue for today, but at least four groups of families had already shown up. The get-together isn't supposed to officially start until noon, but whatever, people don't care.

My siblings and I decided to take turns opening the door and welcoming people in. Alvin is the only one who is good with people, aside from little Theodore. So we made a plan: Alvin and Theo go together, Rachel and I, and Maddie and Simon.

When the door rang this time, Rachel and I went to go answer. Standing at the door is Carmen and Ally, looking as lovely as ever. Since I could only invite five friends, I picked my three girls, my boyfriend, and Jacob, who is like a brother to me.

The girls and I headed to my room and we all found our familiar spots. "Is there anything besides pork or barbecue? Because you know I can't have pork, because of the Catholic thing," Rachel says, sitting on my bed.

"Yeah, we do. Remember that last year we had-" I started to talk but Carmen interrupted me.

"I wasn't here last year!"

"I know." I raise my eyebrows. "Your family decided to go to Grove Lake that weekend."

"Yeah, I know," she narrows her eyes at the floor, thinking, sitting on the bing bag chair.

"I had to babysit," Ally remembers, sitting on the other bing bag chair. "I had to watch Grace, even though all the other half-siblings could have."

Ally's parents divorced when she was three and both of them remarried someone else. Her parents had two kids before her, Austin (now twenty-six) and Annette (now twenty-one). Her mom remarried first and had three more kids, Jane (twelve), Roy (seven), and Grace (four). Her father also had more kids, with his not-so-new wife. Ally has ten siblings total, only two fully related. Her dad's wife has five kids with him: Edward (eleven), Esteban (ten), Erin (eight), Rose (six), and Lucas (three). She switches between her parent's houses, though she doesn't call either home, not really. She's such a great friend, but I can see through her fake smile. I just want to hug her every time I see that smile.

"I was here!" Rachel says, chipper.

I sent her a smirking look, saying no duh. When the doorbell rings, we all look through my window to see who is there. I see Harry's car and quickly close the shades, speeding walking out of my room, the girls behind me.

Alvin beat me to the door, Theo in the bathroom. I don't know if Al knows who Harry is, or why he's here (though I invited him), or if he knows we're 'dating'. I step into the hallway and barely hear them exchanging words.

I glance behind me, worriedly, at the girls, wondering what I should do. Should I go and intercept the conversation? Should I wait and let them finish?

I didn't have to do either, though, because after a good two minutes of talking, Alvin turns towards my room, and his eyes widen slightly in shock of seeing me. "I was just about to get you." He clears his throat. "I.. um.. Your boyfriend is here."

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