Price helps with Training....(PricexOC)

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She quickly steps aside and jumps onto the staff, balancing on it and out of Price's way. He couldn't help but stop and look as she effortlessly jumped out of his way and even stood on a balanced position on her staff. He was impressed. Indy was certainly skilled, much more than most female soldiers he had worked with before. Price raised his brows a little, wanting to see what else she has up her sleeve.

"Come at me, Captain." Indy said with a grin, waiting for him to make a move.

He grunted, his smirk growing wider as he charged at her again. This time, he was ready for whatever she was gonna do. He closed the gap between them, aiming an overhead kick at her.

Indy jumps down from the staff, practically laying on the floor, and hit his chest with the staff, pushing him to the side.

He was caught off guard again. He grunted when she made contact with him, stepping back. "Tsk, that was clever. It's going to take more than that to put me in my place, though." He said, glaring sternly at her. Price was definitely impressed. Indy certainly was a menace.

"I'm not trying to put you in your place, just prove I'm a menace when it comes to a weapons fight." From the tone of her voice, it is clear Indy is enjoying this.

That got a laugh out of him.

"A menace? Hmm, I still have some doubt. How about you do something that will put me in awe, then I'll believe that you're truly a menace."

He said, looking at her sternly. It was time to put Indy in her place as she was starting to sound a little too confident. That was a mistake, considering she was facing one of the best of the bests in the SAS.

"Alright, well, you asked for it." A quick spin and Indy's staff slams into his left sides, a direct hit to his ribs.

The staff hitting into Price's side did hurt, and he stumbled backwards for a few more feet until he stopped. He let out a grunt, clutching his side. So this was the extent of her agility and coordination.

"Damn, you're quite good." He said, narrowing his eyes but it was clear she got his attention and approval.

"Thank you. Now let me make sure I didn't hurt you too bad."

He scoffed, looking away from her reluctantly and putting his hands on his hips, his expression looking as nonchalant as it can.

"I can handle a tiny staff to my side, princess. I'm a soldier, not an old man." He replied, trying to hide the fact that Indy did managed to impress him quite a bit.

"Even soldiers can get hurt. I've been on the recieving end of a hit like the one I gave you. I know it hurts."

He lets out a scoff. Indy caring about his wellbeing was making him feel a little embarrassed. 

"Fine, I'll admit that it hurts a little. Are you satisfied, Miss Menace?" He chuckled, teasing her and giving a little smirk.

"Yes. Now let me see."

He scoffed and crossed his arms, but that was still nodded for her to go to Price and check on his side. Even still, a little blush was visible on his cheeks from how Indy was caring about his well-being. That was definitely not something he expected from her.

Indy approaches and lift his shirt enough to check his sides. Pressing gently, she makes sure his ribs aren't fractured.

His breath hitched as he felt her gentle fingers press against his ribs, holding himself together tightly. He wasn't used to people showing care to him, and it was making him embarrassed. It wasn't enough to make him fall apart, though, but he was blushing like crazy as she touched him.

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