Welcome to Belobog

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Well, he can fly upwards and observe, but he's already shown a portion of those cards fighting those Fragmentum monsters. 

"I'm not from here. I'm not a citizen of...whatever you call this place." Satoru replies, gesturing around him to signify his cluelessness.

The girl, or rather Pelageya Sergeyevna (damn, how the hell were people able to pronounce a name like that), as she's called, gives him an incredibly hard look. 

Most likely she wants to ask him to take off that blindfold, but doesn't know how to do so without coming off as being insensitive to his 'condition'. Though it's most likely Gepard's told her that he can function fine even with a blindfold, no ordinary person would be regularly wearing one and it would appear rude to ask him to take it off.

"You're currently in Belobog, the last bastion of humanity. This place is considered the only shelter for those like us." She explains with a sigh.

No wonder. The winter here is incredibly cold, and there's nothing but snow for miles. Add onto the fact that there's these Fragmentum monsters running around, then it's a miracle people have been able to get together to build something like this.

Not only that, but the hearts of humans who lived in this world of ice must've been deprived of things that they would've had. A calm, basking sunlight but instead dealing with the freezing chill of the arctic.

"I see. In case you're wondering, I lived outside of Belobog by myself." Satoru explains. The incredulous look on Pela's face shows just how absurd that possibility is.

"You mean you've survived by yourself that long?" Even without his sight, how incredulous those words are is something that's hard to believe. 

It's likely there have been people who lived outside of Belobog, but with the harsh winter along with the Fragmentum, they most likely won't survive.

"Your good Captain's told you about what I can do, right?" He asks Pela (yeah, that's a more tolerable pronunciation) with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. Captain Landau has informed me of your abilities. You possess no weapons, yet you threw them around like ragdolls. There's also how you've stopped them inches away from attacking you, as well as summoning a small red orb that disintegrated its targets. Had it not come from him, I would've thought you a charlatan." Pela admits with a furrow of her eyebrows, looking at her reports.

Well, replace the Fragmentum monsters with cursed spirits, then close enough. It's highly unlikely they're going to believe him even if he spilled the beans of where he's from. 

"Even so, while that explains your ability to fight off the Fragmentum, what of sustenance? Hunting for food is hard to come by, especially in a cold winter like this."

"Ah, that. I actually had a friend who helped me. Turns out there was a good spot nearby that we could hunt. Like me, he liked to survive out there." At the beginning of his sentence, Satoru came off as nonchalant, yet at the second part, his voice turns a tad softer, lightly resting his head on his right knuckle.

Though his face remains partially covered, his mouth curls into a frown as his left fist clenches.

"Let's just say those Fragmentum monsters really got to him before I was there. I was too late to save him." Even if the story that came up with was fabricated, it still didn't change one thing.

He indeed was too late to save Suguru Geto from his own resentment. His ascending into new heights caused him to involuntarily leave his friend, his late and only friend, in the dust.

Before, he and Geto were considered the strongest. They both took up that mantle as the model sorcerers of the modern era.

Yet, his awakening in the fight with Toji Fushiguro allowed him to reach a level no one can. Not even Suguru Geto, for all his power, was able to catch up.

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