Request #1 (Part 2)

270 4 8

//Graphic violence

And that was when I heard it—a soft, nearly imperceptible whirring sound echoing through the desolate corridors. My body tensed, and my senses heightened to razor edge sharpness. Remi seemed to pick up on it too, her head tilting slightly to catch the direction of the sound.

I felt a sharp numb pain pierce into my back... My mind went blank as did all my senses. My knees buckled to the floor, and I pushed Remi, beckoning her to move, to go, to run...


But she hesitated, torn between the instinct to flee and the impulse to help. "GO!" I managed to bark out, my voice now strained with the urgency of the moment. I reached for the knife at my hip, but it was no match for whatever had hit me... WHAT THE FREAK DID THESE DAMN THINGS HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE TO MAKE SOMETHING SO HIGH TECH.

A depressant? It's not a tranquilliser?

I realised grimly as my fingers grew slack, that Remi would have to do everything by herself... I need to help her- I have to make sure she gets out alive- I need to help her.. I need to. I need to-

Remi's eyes locked on mine for a split second, filled with terror and indecision, before she nodded sharply and turned on her heel. Her steps were silent, a testament to her training, as she vanished into the shadows of the twisted hallways. She put her hand on the edge of the wall that curves into the darkness. She looked back at me one more time, her eyes seeming to quiver. "I'll come back. I promise." They seemed to say...

It was probably just my mind playing hopeful tricks on me. She's not coming back, if she knows what's best for her.

The only time I've ever believed in God so immensely was now... Oh dear lord, let her get out! Not only to save her skin but to get that information to the tri-cam HQ. Oh please... I wouldn't be able to take it if she died because of me...

Staring down the hall where she disappeared, I mustered every bit of willpower I had left and pushed myself up against the wall. My hand was wet—blood, most likely mine—and I fought back the panic threatening to overtake me.

If it was behind me I couldn't hear it, my system was ringing so loud....

I try burying the panic, reciting everything I had been trained for-- But fear seeped into every one of my pores, and I shook, knowing this was probably the end...

The red-hued warning lights flickered above me, casting an eerie dance of shadows and doubts on the walls. My breaths came in shallow gasps, as if my body was already grieving for the oxygen it wouldn't be receiving much longer. I choked back a bitter laugh. All those years of training, all the sacrifices, and it was going to end in a rusting corridor of this Toilet forsaken place.

I coughed and laughed at the same time, blood seeping through the leaks in my camera face... I didn't know I had blood... Did I notice myself bleeding earlier? I must have... I'm a system... I'm not supposed to have blood...

It's so dark... It's gonna drag me down...

What will happen when I die? Will I be stuck in darkness forever? I'm not a real human... If heaven is real I'm not going there...


Remina Alex Hults...

I forced my mind to focus on her name so it wouldn't take me... I had to stay alive just a little bit longer... Remi... she had to make it out... she had to continue my work... only she knew... everything...

Skibidi Toilet Oneshots bc I'm boredTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang