Chapter 3 🥁 || Auditions

Start from the beginning

"Hey doesn't one teen boy Rodrick from your school, and his younger brothers live here?" Your mom questioned. "Do they? I don't think I realized." You muttered grabbing your guitar.

You hopped out the car and your mom rolled down the window, "I think I'm going to run a few errands while I'm out. Good luck honey!" You smiled in return and waved as she drove off.

As you stood in front of the Heffley's house, you thought about walking back home. Or maybe taking a lap around the neighborhood, then coming back so your dad wouldn't ask questions. Then just tell your mom you didn't make it.

But you thought about how disappointed your little sister would be if you told her the truth. You could hear it now: "I wish I came with you."

"I never would've done that."

"What do you like that Rodrick kid or something?"

You walked up to the door and took a deep breath before knocking. You were answered almost immediately by Rodrick's mom: Mrs. Heffley.

"Hi! You must be here for my son's audition." You nodded as you greeted her. You've met here before, countless times even just never on purpose.

She let you inside the house as she closed the door behind her. "Wait no you look familar...ah! ____ right?" She asked.

"Yes mam that's me." You confirmed as she gave you big a ol squeeze. "How have you been?" She asked.

"Good how about yourself?"

"Well you know as good as you can be in a house full of boys." She sighed and laughed. "The band is out in the garage, let me take you there."

You followed her to the garage. Soon you stood in front of a door that had ear deafening music blasting from behind it.

"Let me check if they're done." She peaked behind the door for a few seconds, before the music came to a stop, giving your ears a break. "Hey sweetie are you almost done? There's another guitarist out here waiting to tryout." Your heart raced at this question. In a few seconds Rodrick and his band would know you were there. And who knows if he's told them about you. He had a great opportunity to yesterday.

"Almost mom, can we get through this last song please?" You heard Rodrick reply. She nodded as she closed the door and faced you. "One more song and then your in." She smiled as you nodded nervously.

You focused on your breathing as the song started back up, gratefully it sounds like that started back at beginning. You thought about your harsh feelings towards Rodrick, and how embarrassing this could end up being. You were about ten seconds away from leaving the house.

Maybe Mrs. Heffley noticed because she started encouraging you, "You'll do great ____! I just know it!" She rubbed your shoulders reassuringly. You smiled as the song in the garage came to a finish. "I'll walk in with you." She whispered.

"NEXT!" You heard someone yell. Mrs. Heffley opened the door as the other guitarist exited.

You walked in behind her and you could see the complete bewilderment on Rodrick's face. "What's she doing here?" He generally asked his mom as she gasped. "Rodrick that's rude!" She corrected him as he held his hands up in defeat.

It was silent for a moment as you and some of his band members exchanged glances. "So let's get started shall we?" One of them spoke.

You looked back at Mrs. Heffley who mouthed 'You got this' and left out the garage.

"Do you even play guitar?" Rodrick asked clearly staring at your case.

"That's what I'm here for right?" You asked sarcastically.

"I don't know, could've been an excuse to see me too." He grinned as one of his band mates gave him a high five.

"Well you don't have to worry about that, I didn't even know this was your house till I pulled up. But I'm already ready to go, so can we get this over with?" You asked, taking out your f/c (favorite color) guitar.

"Wow at least we know your legit." He spoke nodding at your guitar. "The real test is if you know how to play it."

"Nope I just showed up with no experience at all." You rolled your eyes as one of the guys chuckled.

"Ah well since your so confident how about you play a solo for us then?" Rodrick asked, turning around to his bandmates.

"Dude the last guy didn't have to do a solo, why does she?" One of the guys asked.

"Chris, I know what I'm doing." Rodrick responded.

"Dude can she just play to one of our songs?" The other one asked.

"No, Ben. I said she needs to do a solo first."

Now the boys were bickering and you couldn't get out of there faster.

Instead of trying to catch their attention you quickly plugged you guitar into their amplifier, and strummed a loud chord. All eyes were now on you.

"It's fine Chris and Ben is it?" They nodded, "If Rodrick wants a solo, I'll give him a solo. Any song?"

"Any song."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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