Content warning: None
Canon behaviours: Some non-canon
Canon events: Mostly non-canon
Ships: Drarry, romione (implied)
Length: 1837 words
Pov: Changing
Year: 6ﮩـﮩﮩ٨ـ🫀ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
Third person's POV
It's approximately four in the morning. Everything is quiet, even the hallways which usually are noisy due to the teachers patrolling. Tonight was different for a very specific reason; Quidditch. A big match happened and everyone celebrated the victory until late tonight. Sure enough, the students do this every victory but not for that one. That game was extremly important but nobody really knows why. Seems like everyone silently agreed that this time would be special but nothing was different. Although, even the players were anxious, like they would lose something big if they didn't gain that victory. Finally, the gryffindor's team won by three points.
Everyone was celebrating until late. But of course, no matter how proud they were, the groups had to go to sleep. Class wasn't dismissed and they still had to assist it. The whole school was sleeping sound, except for one. Harry was wide awake. He felt like someone put a spell on him that would disturb his slumber. Why couldn't he sleep? He tried multiple positions, took sleeping pills, did exercises but nothing. Getting bored, he took his robe and left his dorm, making sure he hadn't woke up any if his friends. The halls were atrociously quiet, it was making the brunette uneasy.
Desperately trying to find something, he walked across the school. He didn't quite know what he wanted exactly but he was in an intense need to find it. Finally, he fell asleep in the Astronomy tour.
Draco's pov
The fact that class wasn't dismissed, even though everyone was up until late quite annoys me. And beginning the day in potions? Not helping. I mean, atleast I will get to annoy Potter more since he'll sit close to me, like always. While walking to class, I notice Pansy running to me.
P.P: Draco! Did you know that we will learn about Amortentia today?
D.M: No, I didn't. How do you even know that?
P.P: Don't ask.
D.M: Alright? Let's get going then.
We walked to our class. Well, I walked to class. Parkinson talked more than she walked. Her and her never ending stories are purely annoying. Like I care about what happened last week.
P.P: Strange.
D.M: What is?
P.P: Potter isn't here but his two friends are.
D.M: How is that even possible.
I gaze around the room just to find everything but him, which is weird since he's never late.
D.M: Like I care if he's here or not.
P.P: You look quite concerned for someone who "doesn't care" about someone's presence.
Notice how she accentuated those two words. Of course I care but it's stupid. He hates me, I hate him so why should I, Draco Malfoy, worry about the boy who lived. I roll my eyes at her to show my annoyance.
D.M: I'm just wondering where he is nothing more.
She laughs but stops immediately when the teachers walks in. The lesson starts but still no sign of Potter. The class sets their stuff and starts brewing their potion. A while after, we hear knockings on the door. Granger opens it to let appear no other but Potter, who looks exhausted.

~Drarry oneshots~
FanfictionHeyyy! This book will contain; •Angst •Mature content (such as kinks, smut, sexual tension, etc) •Comfort •Fluff •Headcanons •Character tropes •Non-canon characters behaviors •Other ships (implied and/or explicit) •Inspired stories (Basically inspir...