Chapter 17 [Blaze] This World Blows *

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“Xavier?” I yell, waiting for a few seconds and then slamming my fist against the door. “X? Dude! Answer me!”

“What's going on?” Juliana asked, as I turn my head and see her standing a few feet behind me.

“Oh, it's Xavier,” I let out. “He's not answering me.”

“Are you sure he's in there?” she asks, crossing her arms across her chest in confusion.

I drop down onto the floor and look underneath the crack, seeing a shadow of his shoes. “Yeah, he is. He's just being a dick.”

“Does he usually do this?” she says, as I shake my head in aggravation and snap.

“No. He only did this when he was--” I stopped, feeling a lump in the back of my throat. Now I began pounding on the door as hard as loud as I could, but there was still no answer. “OPEN THE DOOR!”

“Blaze,” Juliana says, taking my arm before I shake her away.

“Something's wrong with him,” I stated, stepping back and then darting forward and slamming my shoulder against it. “Damnit.” That didn't work. So then I kick it, and it finally opens.

Then I spot Xavier sitting on the floor, with his back against the wall and his head leaning to the side. I run in as fast as I can and kneel next to him, grabbing his shoulder and firmly shaking him. His eyes are closed and his face is pale, but I can see him breathing because of how hardly his heart was beating through his chest. I don't know what happened until I glanced up at the counter, where a small vile was, and then I spotted the syringe on the floor. Puke was in the toilet and his eyes still remained tightly closed.

“Shit,” I snapped, shaking him again as I feel Juliana's arm on my shoulder. “Xavier, what's going on?”

Finally he began to open his eyes, as I stared at his horrified face. “Sorry, dude,” he quietly mumbled, his voice barely having any sound to it.

“No way,” I said, picking up his arm and turning it over, seeing another spot that looked like it had just been punctured. “Did you shoot up?”

He nodded, before closing his eyes again.

“Where the hell did you get smack? I don't get it,” I rushed out, turning my neck and looking over at Julie's worried face.

“Should I leave?” she asked me, as Xavier leaned to the side and began puking again, but nothing was coming up.

“Yeah,” I immediately answered, scooting back so I wouldn't get any of his vomit on me if it was to come up. “I don't want you to see this.”

“Okay,” she whispered, quickly nodding and starting to walk out the doorway.

“Just keep Mickey talking. I know she wants to sleep but I need to talk to her as soon as possible,” I told her, grinning so she wouldn't look so scared anymore.

Her eyes drifted to Xavier who was still gagging, and then she sucked in a breath. “Alright,” she let out, practically rushing out of the bathroom.

“Dude, what the hell. Why?” I asked, him leaning the back of his head against the wall, closing his eyes and shaking his head.

“Sorry,” was all he kept saying.

“Enough with the apologies X,” I barked, standing up and wetting a facecloth in cold water.

“Okay,” he mumbled, looking like he stopped breathing for a moment.

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