Yes or no?

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I contemplated the offer in front of me. It being so tempting, but words can be misleading. Adam had described Lucifer as the most hated being in humanity, a horrible person, a wife stealer.! How could I even trust his words. Then again, being in control, and never having to listen to another person in my life did sound nice. Having power and not having to be a simple puny little human had its perks, obviously.
"If I do this.., will I ever be able to see Adam again?.." I asked. I probably sounded so stupid, and pathetic. I was acting like he was going to kill me, if he was a horrible man he would've killed me already.
"No." Lucifer said, a blank expression on his face as he said it. I couldn't help but let out a quiet inaudible gasp. Was it bad I wanted to never see Adam?. I was never one to make sacrifices, that was Adam. Honestly I wanted to never do it, but leaving Adam would be a sacrifice that I would have to make if I really cared about him. Which I did. That's when Lucifer extended his hand to me. The look in his eyes said it all. All I had to do was shake his hand and it would all happen at a snap of his finger.
"So will you?." He asked impatiently. I looked up at him, holding in my breath as I extended my own hand. It grasping his hand, he instinctively shoke my hand. So I followed suit.

Garden of Eden // Adam x reader / Hazbin Hotel //Where stories live. Discover now