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Long ago, gods, demi-gods, humans and other “other-worldly”
creatures, lived together in “harmony”, but had different living conditions. For example; humans had it hard, but they forged and dug through the hard times to reach the society and economy they are in now, their ancestors who fought off the other worldly creatures would be proud. Speaking of “other-worldly creatures” next on our list, are those creatures. They, they are predators; “eat or be eaten”, “kill or be killed” is their mindset. Some of them are bloodthirsty hounds, while some might be less threatening due to their genetics. Those other-worldly creatures are called beastlies. They have 3 different levels.

Number one:
“The prey-dators”

The prey-dators are neutral, they attack if you attack, they are still quite powerful so do not ever underestimate them, nor any other creature on this list

Number two:
“The Night Terrorist”

The night terrorists, as the name insists, they only come out at night, but even if they only come out at night, whenever people are asleep, they have to be wary of their houses and surroundings because the night terrorists leave no mercy.
While few have been spotted, there are only 3 confirmed sightings of them, and the victims reported that they have bloodshot eyes, claws sharp as a knife, hairy chests, humanoid like physique and a stench worse than blue cheese left out for a year.

And the last but definitely not the least:

“The semi-godlies”

Not many recorded sightings have been confirmed, but individuals who claim to have seen them describe them to look like angels, but in disguise, they lure you in and devour you in three strong jaw locks.

Next we have the demi-gods...
They're kinda complicated..

Demi-gods are the non-biological children of gods, according to the gods rules.

Living a life controlled by their superiors, they're not exactly happy with those standards.

Some of them choose to live miserably under the rule of the gods, while some choose to rebel and while most turn out unsuccessful there are some demi gods that have succeeded in rebelling, but they are forced to hide in mountains for once they rebel, they are deemed perpetrators of crime punishable by banishing or exiling to the underworld with Sliait which they'll be forced to work extreme labor.

And the gods.

Well, they're pretty self explanatory. They're gods, gods of whichever elements, whether mentally or physically.

Like Boain, the Goddess of Love,
She can make other people love eachother, but she does not have the power to make people fall in love with her forcefully, they have to love her, from the heart, out the mouth. Not from the mind out the mouth.


(PS. Sorry if it's short, I haven't been writing lately)

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