The Vaccine

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~Kimiko's POV~

A while later, Kidou called up both me and Tsurugi so we went to meet him somewhere. Then, he led us to another room where we saw Gouenji, Tenma, Sakamaki, Shindou and Toudou.

“The incident with Fei Rune was a lack of investigation on our part.” Said Toudou. “It was our mistake to have invited the enemy so easily onto our team.”

“Fei isn’t the enemy.” Said Tenma.

“Well, never mind that.” Said Toudou. “We have a more important matter to discuss with you. We’ve finally succeeded in the SSC control vaccine that will erase the Second Stage Children’s powers.” Wow, Tsurugi was right after all.

“Vaccine?” asked Gouenji.

“I will explain.” Said Sakamaki. “El Dorado’s scientist have formulated a vaccine that can control and inhibit the SSC gene. With it, we can eliminate their special powers.”

“That’s possible?” asked Kidou.

“But we don’t believe they will readily accept the vaccine, even if it saves their lives.” Said Sakamaki.

“What do you mean?” asked Tsurugi.

“As I mentioned before, in exchange for their immense power, they don’t live for very long. By taking the vaccine, they will not only lose their powers, but their lifespan return to that of normal children.” He continued.

“Then if we use that, we can save Fei!” said Tenma.

“Yes, but undoubtedly they will refuse to relinquish their powers. SARU is leading tis rebellion with the knowledge that they do not live for very long.” Said Toudou. “The only thing occupying his mind right now is his desire to make the world his own.”

“No way…” said Tenma.

“We just have to win.” Said Shindou. “By winning, we can save Fei.”

“Hai.” Said Tenma.

Toudou and Sakamaki looked at each other. I grunted. “There’s another reason why we’re here. What is it?” Everyone looked at me in surprise until Toudou spoke up.

“Specifically, there’s a reason why you are here.” He said. “I’m aware that you, yourself is an SSC?”

“Yeah…” I don’t like where this is going. “What? You want me to be your lab rat and try out the vaccine first?” Sakamaki shot me a look and I just crossed my arms. “Fine.” I followed Toudou to a lab while the others head back to their dorms.

I stayed in the lab for 2 days while watching the matches from a TV. Then I head back to see the others gathered in a room with Dr. Aruno. After greeting me they explained everything about Fei and Endou and the Chrono Stone and such.

I nodded and watched as Dr. Aruno used a machine to turn Endou back to normal. The machine broke down a bit but after Midori kicked it, it started working again and now Endou is standing right in front of us all.

After a lot of “Welcomes”, we agreed that Endou would be the coach for Chrono Storm in the match against The Lagoon.

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