Life Hacks:- Part 18

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QOTD: Favourite colours(s) and why?


~ By keeping good posture you will burn 10% more calories than keeping bad posture.

~ Nervous about something? Blow on your thumb. The vagus nerve, which connects to your thumb, controls your heart rate, and by blowing on it, your heart rate will return to normal.

~ Apartment rating tip: Always check your cell phone signal when looking for new apartments or dorms to live in.

~ One of the best ways to get a song out of your head, is to chew on chewing gum.

~ When buying roses, squeeze the closed bud at the widest part to tell how fresh they are and how long they will last. The firmer the fresher.

~ When washing your clothes, always turn the ones with designs inside out. This will prevent the designs from cracking

~ If you accidentally close a tab, CTRL + SHIFT + T reopens it

~ Use a tennis ball to help judge the front of your garage

~ Face your car towards the east in winter to defrost your windshield by morning

~ De-ice a car lock by using hand sanitizer.

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