Part 3

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The guy was speechless. He didn't reply to her question yet simply stated.
"I'm gonna make your life hell, that's all I know."

Mara laughed at his statement and replied in a sarcastically,
"Omg, I'm so scared."

The guy rolled his eyes at her behavior then Mara expressed,
" I was really scared at first but after seeing you, i can see everything will be a piece of cake."

As she finished talking she felt a presence behind her. She looked at him, he had an evil smirk on his face. Mara understood the situation. She turned back and saw a creepy old man standing behind her with a knife in his hand. Mara didn't think twice before kicking on his balls. The old guy screamed in pain and fell on the ground. Mara didn't think twice before snatching the knife from the old man's grip and placed it extremely close to to his neck. It was so close that the old man's neck started bleeding. He was screaming in pain. "If i want I can kill you right now." Mara said as more blood was coming out out of his skin. The old man was still screaming and tears were coming out of his eyes.Mara rolled her eyes, stabbed the knife on his chest, causing him to die.
Mara stood up and faced HIM again.
"So taehyung, are you ready?"

Taehyung had neutral expression on his face. He kept staring at her coldly before replying "Yes"
Mara walked towards him and was dangerously close to him. She stared deeply in his eyes with a sharp look. The knife was still in her hand.
"Where's my friend?" She asked while staring in his eyes. Taehyung was also looking deeply in her eyes. He felt an uncanny sensation building up inside him. He made fists to control himself "You'll only get your friend back on one condition." He said.
Mara narrowed her eyebrows and asked with a stern voice "What?"
Taehyung smirked looking at her. "I want pleasure from you."
That's when Taehyung felt a hard slap on his cheeks. Mara held his throat tightly that he wasn't able to breath. He started coughing as he was short of breath. Mara pulled him near herself and threw his figure on the floor. As fell he She placed the knife near his mouth.
" I can cut this pretty tounge of yours. Now tell me. Where is she?" Mara threatened .
Taehyung didn't answer or he was too shocked to answer. He kept gazing her and was about to speak but failed just then Mara spoke
"Tell me! I won't mind killing you."
Taehyung chuckled at her audacity and said.
"You're a bad girl. Just my type."
Mara gritted her teeth and barked

"What if i don't?" Taehyung asks with a smirk.

Mara rolls her eyes and brought the knife close to taehyung's throat in order to kill him. Just as the knife was about to enter Taehyung's flesh Mara heard a similar scream. A scream that belonged to her friend, Ashley.
Mara quickly stood up in worry. She tucked the knife in her pocket and ran outside the room to find her friend. "Ashley, I'm coming. Don't worry. I'm coming to save you." Mara said to herself.

Mara quickly ran upstairs. Everything looked abandoned, just like a horror movie. She reached the upper floor and heard some voices coming from a room. She walked towards that room cautiously and slowly so she doesn't get caught. She leaned her head to the door to eavesdrop everything. She couldn't understand a single word the guys were blabbering. She sighed and was about to enter to fight them but suddenly felt a sting pain in her chest. As if someone cut her chest off. She weakly looked at her back and saw Taehyung inserted a knife in her chest. Taehyung had a wicked smile on his face. Mara felt weak on her knees. She was losing her concious. She felt weak. Slowly everything went dark.....

Her eyes shot open. She viewed a tall man figure standing in front of her. He was facing the other side while smoking. The smoke was spreaded everywhere. Mara opened her mouth to speak but was too weak. She couldn't even utter anything. She coughs with difficulty. The man looked back. He was Taehyung. Mara stared at him with pure loathe in her eyes. She tried to get up but failed as some ropes were tied on the broken chair she was sitting on, and trapping her, preventing her to move, even an inch. Mara tried her best to move but failed. Taehyung laughed evilly at her poor and weak condition. He leaned his face closer to her and spoke.

"Is someone getting deja vu? (He chuckled) Well this is what you get for playing with me princess. Well.. (He continued) You still have the offer. Give me pleasure and i shall set you and your friend free."

Mara wanted to cry but stayed strong and firmly spoke 
" I would rather die than letting a  flithy man touch me"

Taehyung smirked at her comment. He saw surprised at how Mara was so firm even after going through such trials.

"Princess,.." He was to talk but Mara cut him. "Don't call me that!"

Taehyung laughed and leaned extremely close to her face. "Okay baby." He said and left the room.

Mara took a breath. She didn't know what to do. She was stuck. These men could literally do anything to her. Rape her. Murder her. Use her. Literally anything. She was terrified. She didn't know what to do. Not only Ashley is stuck but she's also stuck. She took a breif moment and closed her eyes and started thinking. Just then she said to herself "ALEX! Where is he?" Mara then rolled her eyes and said to her self "Yah girl. Why you have so many expectations from a man. Get up. Help yourself."

She examined the abandoned room she was stuck in. She looked outside the  broken windows and gazed at the blue birds that were flying. Mara smiled at them. "Atleast they can fly." She mumbled to her self. She was looking around as realization suddenly hits her. "The knife" She tried to reach her pocket. She succeeded. Surprisingly the knife was still there. Why didn't he take the knife from me?" She questioned her self, and just shrugged her shoulders as the answer of her own question.
Then she tried to cut the rope with the knife. It wasn't working. Mara was stressed now. She couldn't think of anything else. She continued cutting the rope with the knife. It wasn't working at all. It felt useless. She felt useless. Everything felt useless. Mara wanted to cry but didn't give up and kept doing whatever she could after all A BAD PLAN IS BETTER THEN NO PLAN. Finally after fifteen minutes which felt like forever, one rope was successfully cutten down. She smiled at her little achievement. She then looked up and mumbled to herself "I know you're seeing me struggle, please help me i need it." After that she continues cutting the rope. One by one one she cuts all the ropes and eventually after almost an hour, she was finally free. She clapped her hands at her achievement. She then sighed and slowly gets up. She still feels a bit weak but she dosen't want anyone to see her fragile side so stayed firm and walked slowly to open the room door  but someone was standing on the other side of the door, blocking her way. Preventing her to leave.

"Hello baby. I love your confidence."

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