Part 7

40 1 0

Jaemin (Nana)

Hey, I was wondering about

 what books were ripped up?

Jeno really don't have to do this

Jaem I told you I want to

Please let me do this

as your friend

[link shared]

these are the list of

books that were ripped

Thank you

I'll make sure to get it

to you asap

You don't have to 

take as much time as you need

well I don't want to

stop the kids from

reading some books

now do I?

You'll make a great king

Well when I get crowned

I'll make sure to invite Mr Snuggles

to my coronation


Only Mr Snuggles is invited???

Its fine

 ill block you

That's cool

Mr Snuggles is the most 

important one here

Alright then 

I'll hand the phone to Mr Snuggles

since he's more important



can I tell you something?

What is it 

Mr Snuggles can bring a plus one

How about a plus two

and you've got a deal

Sure thing

Well I'll look forward to it then



Its cause you gave

me a nickname bro

A nickname?

Oh you mean Minnie

Sorry it slipped out

Don't worry I like it :)

Well I like Nono

I feel weird calling you Nono

like you're royalty 

and the future king

Oh please you flatter me

besides we're friends so

you can call me anything

Oh really?????

You don't know what

power you have just given me

Just don't call me it in real life

or you'll be put in the dungeons

Ha as if that's actually real

you don't scare me mister


but don't come crying to me

when it happens


I've never broken the law

I am literally such a good citizen

You are so lucky that I am

one of your royal subjects

Thank you royal subject


Let's thank Hyejin for

introducing us 

she's such a lovely girl

must take after you

I know

I know

she's like a girl version of me

I'm so amazing

Well as much as I love

this conversation

I have to go and make sure

these kids or Soo doesn't set

the library on fire

Omg Soo would never

You don't know her like me sir

she burns water

but I love her bcs she's my bff

I still feel like your

over exaggerating it

Ok but wait and see

until she tries to 

make you dinner 

I can't wait to eat it

Hahaha I'll tell her that

Bye for now Your majesty

Bye civilian

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