Part 6

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[This chapter contains themes of toxic parents and homophobia (?)- please proceed with caution]

"So..... what happened yesterday?" Jaemin and Sooyoung were sitting at the desk of the library as there was a group of kids and their parents sitting at the tables reading books.

"What are you talking about?" asked Jaemin, as he did some admin on the computer "nothing happened"

"He literally asked for your number before he left" said Sooyoung "he totally fancies you"

"Shut up" exclaimed Jaemin, glaring at Sooyoung "The future king does not fancy me"

"Uh huh" teased Sooyoung "you were having long conversations, his daughter loves you and he likes your advice"

"We are literally friends" said Jaemin "stop making a big thing out of it"

"Fine" said Sooyoung "but don't come to me when he confesses"

"He will not" said Jaemin "he is getting engaged to a princess"

"A princess that he doesn't even fancy" scoffed Sooyoung "so whatever you say"

"Sure thing hun" laughed Jaemin "I'm gonna go because I need a coffee"

"Since you're going over there already" asked Sooyoung "can you please make me one too?"

"No" teased Jaemin "make your own"

"Fucking bitch" whispered Sooyoung, as she glared at Jaemin from afar "I'll throw yours on the floor"

"Oh and by the way" said Jaemin "what did you want to tell me yesterday?"

"What do you mean?" asked Sooyoung "oh! you mean when I ran into the library?"

"I finally got the courage to break up with Doyeon" 

"What?!" exclaimed Jaemin "that's great Soo!"

"How are you feeling?"

"Heartbroken" sighed Sooyoung "but it was for the best"

"Well I'm so proud of you my darling" said Jaemin, sitting back down at the desk "and I'm sure other lovely men will come along soon"

"I hope so" laughed Sooyoung "or I might as well get back together with Doyeon"

"Please don't do that" said Jaemin "you have to promise me"

"Oh I dunno" teased Sooyoung "I might agree if you'll give me your coffee"

"Fuck no"


"I didn't appreciate you leaving the party early" Jeno was in his father's office with the king and queen. "it was very disrespectful"

"Well I didn't appreciate you being rude to my daughter" said Jeno "you and Hanbyul"

"Why do you care so much about that child?" yelled Sarang "she's not your legitimate child!"

"I don't give a shit" said Jeno "she is my daughter no matter what and yes I care about her"

"But if you marry Hanbyul" started Sarang "you can have biological kids"

"I want to marry someone I love" said Jeno "not someone who will give me kids"

"And mum how many times do I have to tell you I'm gay?"

"Well for one thing" said Sarang "you are not and you are 100% marrying Hanbyul"

"No I am not" said Jeno "I will not marry a complete bitch who was rude to my daughter"

"Haven't you ever thought that your daughter actually deserves it?" scoffed Sarang "your father even agrees"

Jeno looked straight at his father as he waited for his reply "well I don't condone bullying a child"

"For once in your life can you agree with me?" yelled Sarang "think about the bloodline and the future of our family"

"Lee Jeno, if you don't marry Hanbyul. I will make sure you will never marry a man"

"Threaten me all you want" said Jeno "I won't let you take control of my life anymore"

"It's too late" smirked the queen "the engagement is finalised. You're getting married to Hanbyul"

"End of story"

"Not if I have anything to say about that" said Jeno "goodbye parents"

"What happened?" As Jeno walked out of the room, he was met with his best friends standing in the corridor, waiting for him.

"I told them I won't let them take control of my life" said Jeno "but i still need to somehow get out of marrying Hanbyul"

"Don't worry we'll help" said Renjun, nudging Jeno's arm "and will make sure that you can marry someone who you truly love"

"Thank you guys" sobbed Jeno "I love you so much"

"We love you too Jen" said Donghyuck, as he pulled everyone into a hug while they cried "so so much"

"Why are you crying?" The adults turned to Hyejin standing there watching them, Jeno picked Hyejin up and kissed her forehead lightly. 

"Its nothing honey" chuckled Jeno "we are just happy"

"Can we please go get ice cream?" asked Hyejin, "it can make you feel better"

"Yeah, let's go get some ice cream" cheered Mark "we deserve it clearly"


Love story | Nomin ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora