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"God, this class is boring." I sighed and I looked over to Isabella, she's copying the notes same along with Calum.

"What, aren't you gonna copy?" She asked and I shook my head. "Wow, you're lazy."

"Yeah, I know." I chuckled slightly as I look at her hand writing fast with her neat handwriting. "God, your handwritting is better than mine."

"I just write a lot, so I got practiced, unlike some girl." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"It's just, I'm really so lazy to write, why write if I could take a picture of it?" I sighed, putting my chin in the palm of my hand.

"You're such an idiot." She laughed as she put her pen down and looked at the front as the teacher explained.

Luckily, earlier I didn't broke down. I stopped myself before I could start crying and Calum made lame but funny jokes that brought tears of joy to my eyes.

Next subject was Science, and it's just Ashton and I. I'll go early to reserve myself a seat at the back. Wish me luck for the whole school year, sigh.

"I heard Luke's gonna go to some party, he's inviting us." Isabella informed Calum and I and we turned to her.

"I think I really need one right now. I'm so stressed over school because school sucks."

"Same." Calum nodded vigorously and Isabella gave him a look. I tilted my head in confusement.

"Okay then, let-s go tonight. I'm sure the other boys will go too."

"Please tell me Ashton isn't going." I groaned.

"I don't know, he knows a lot of parties that happening every day." Calum shrugged and I crossed my fingers, hoping he wouldn't come.

"I hope so."

Right after that, the bell rang and that's our cue to have our lunch, kinda excited because all of this studying made me so hungry as fuck.

We walked out of the room and Isabella caught up with my pace while Calum is with Ashton on our back.

Maybe I can deal with Ashton by not just minding his presence, I could pretend he isn't around. Can I do that? I hope I will.

We got to the cafeteria and Mikey, Luke and Rhoe were already there.

"Hi guys, I missed you." I said dramatically and they laughed, except for Irwin who scoffed.

Okay April, you are not gonna let him make you mad.

"We just saw each other like, an hour ago." Rhoe laughed.

"Still, I missed you." I pouted.

"You're so OA." Irwin stated and everyone kept silent. I took a silent sigh, just ignore him, April. Just ignore him.

"So, by the way, how are your classes?" I asked the guys, quickly putting up a topic that I first thought of to break the growing silence in our circle.

"It was fine, college is like high school, the difference is just the dorms, we got to live in our own university." Rhoe spoke up and the boys nodded in agreement.

"How about we watch a movie tonight yeah?" Isabella requested and we nodded.

"That's cool."

"Can we join?" Michael said happily and Rhoe furrowed her eyebrows.

"No, movie night for girls only." I smirked and Michael faked cried and we all laughed, except for Iriwn of course.

"Why are girls so selfish and so full of themselves?" Irwin groaned "I'm outta here." He said, standing up walking away.

"Ashton are you not going to eat-"

"No, I'm fine." He said waving his hand, not turning and just disappeared in the crowd in the cafeteria.


Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry

I haven't updated in so long, which is almost 2 days I crei

Sorry just not in the mood to write

Sorry for this shitty chapter, Imma do better the next time

Expect smuts



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